Monday, January 26, 2009

Morning Links

Not a ton this morning...but some good ones
-Google plans to make PCs history. Or something like that. I already reported before on G-drive, but I guess some feel it's controversial. I bet if it wasn't Google doing it, they wouldn't feel the same way, but I digress...
-GE will hold on to it's AAA S&P Rating...for now (up 3.5% in premarket trading)
-A scary article about stock prices possibly headed for zero (I own two of these, so let's hope they're wrong)
-And I think that we need to all be done with this Kate Winslet crap...I think the new rule is that if you get up there and don't have a speech ready, we give the award to someone else. I think it'll make award shows so much more entertaining. You have 30 seconds to get up there and start a coherent speech...if not, it goes to second place. Ratings would be ridiculous!
And, also, if she's so shocked that she's won for a second time, maybe her performance really wasn't good enough to win. Academy voters, take note. We don't need to go for a trifecta. I rather give it to Paris Hilton. At least she'd have a speech ready. Seriously consider taking her out of the running just because of this. I am now boycotting both The Reader and Revolutionary Road. Take that.

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