Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He Who Is Not Funny

Dear Comedy Central and The Movie Industry,
Please don't make another comedy special, commercial, movie or anything else I may view that contains Dane Cook.
He is the most annoying comic...ever.
When you get a chance, type in "guy who is not funny" into Google and press "I'm Feeling Lucky".
This douchebag shows up: DANE COOK.
He's not funny. Everyone agrees. Why do you keep on putting him in movies?
On Rotten Tomatoes, they have 14 of his movies rated. The average movie has 25% positive ratings. That means that 75% of the critics thought he sucked. The rest were teenage girls. The highest rated one was Dan in Real Life which he only played a peripheral role. He got his heart broken in the movie. I cheered when that happened.
Why does Comedy Central continue to carry his specials when he's named "The Unfunniest Comic"?
Dane Cook's own brother doesn't respect him. Other comics hate him. No one really understands him...not even the New York Times. Even "Scrubs" attacked him. And this guy is going to dump his girlfriend because of him.
Please stop putting him on my television/movie screen! Can President Obama make this his first executive order?

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