Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yanks Links (A-Rod, X-Man, and More!)

I have a ton of links piling up so I figured I'd start with what I have on the Yankees...

-First, everyone's favorite whipping boy, Alex Rodriguez, needs this recent hooker news like he needs a hole in the head. I really feel like if A-Rod were food, the 3-second rule would never apply: bad shit seems to stick to him. I'm sure there's a million other people doing the shit he's doing, but somehow the media always outs him.

-I'm glad to hear, though that the Yankees have actually sat A-Rod down and told him to stop this traveling circus. Enough is enough. The last thing the Yankees need is the Bronx to become an A-Rod Zoo. And maybe realizing that people don't like him will stop him from trying to be liked all the time!

-I have to take a little different stance on the 20 Most Important Yankees. I'm really doing a list on the fly here, but it would go something like this for the top 10: 1) CC, 2) Mo, 3) A-Rod, 4) Bruney/Marte/Coke et al. 5) Jorge, 6) Jeter, 7) AJ, 8) Girardi, 9) Cano, 10) Steinbros. The bullpen will be huge. If they can hold leads, this team's pitching can be deadly. The problem is that if that bullpen can't, they may be forced to move Joba back there and that would be the last thing I would want at this point. He may have to go back there at some point due to innings limits--but I don't want him back there because guys can't get the job done. Melancon is definitely a wildcard, but who knows what he'll do in the majors.

-I have to admit, I bought 10 of them, but it's of note that the Yankees sold 170,000 tickets in one day. The most amazing part of that was that basically, at this point, many games your choices were crap or seats you needed to mortgage your first born to buy.

-I agree with Steven Goldman that declaring the X-man as the starting RF just boosts his trade value in the end. And I also agree with Rob Neyer on two points (which is pretty rare): Swisher would be a better choice as a starter and Swish will get ABs anyways on this team.

-With all I said about A-Rod's personal life, maybe it's best that the Yankees got rid of Jose Tabata...though this story is just nuts

-The Yankees couldn't have given reasonably price beers? Really? Though I guess at $6 for a small beer, it's about on par for Manhattan.

-OK, Brett Gardner needs to be the everyday starting CF on this team. Especially after the spring he's had. I think he's EXACTLY what this team needs: speed and arm in CF, speed on the bases, good OBP, and a little underdog/grit factor mixed in (Lupica went a little overboard comparing him to Pedroia, but, let's admit it, "The Little Engine That Could" story was probably the Daily News' Napolean's favorite...). But I'm also all for merit and I think that he's earned it this spring: 21 of 47 with 8 XBHs. I know it's spring training (and sometimes the stats matter, sometimes they don't), but that's ridic. Even if you take out the USA game, his spring line is .409/.469/.750.

-Lastly, I thought I actually had a private, all access tour of the New Yankee Stadium (shall we call this place NYS and the old one OYS? Maybe make it easier) to share with you guys today, but, alas, it didn't go as planned. Thanks to those who tried to get it done, though. Really appreciate the effort. Still, will be posting a LOT more Yankee stuff as we approach opening day. So no worries.

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