Sunday, March 22, 2009

Namaste Lost Recap

Needed to get to this past week's Lost episode. It was one of those episodes which was good, but not great. Doc Jensen does a great job of recapping it as usual. But we learn certain things that make us reach into our past Lost experience and give a little "aha" (including that interesting connection between Ben's capture in by the Losties and Sayid's capture in the last episode)

The first was the runway. When I started realizing that everything on Lost has a purpose. I was wondering why Kate and Sawyer were building a runway for the Others and now we know. But how did they know that a plane would need to land on the island three years later? Does Ben know more than he's telling? Did Richard or Jacob and/or Christian Shephard tell them to?

And speaking of Christian...does the monster/the whispers have something to do with him? Did you see how both occurred right around Sun and Lapidus seeing him? Interesting...

Speaking of Frank Lapidus, he took a much different tone this episode. He was filmed in a different light. He spoke almost monotone the entire episode and I wasn't sure whether this was to show his calm or hint to us that there's something evil about him. It was a cross between Christian Bale's Batman voice and a controlled killer. Sort of scary. I wonder what his relation is to the Island. He was supposed to be piloting the Oceanic 815; if he had, would the history of things have turned out differently (although, with him being an alcoholic, the plane could have crashed before it even got to that part as well).

According to Wikipedia, the name Lapidus has three possible originis: it could be derived from the Latin word for stone, it was a common name of the ancient Roman Consul, and it was the name of Devorah, the prophetess', husband. Since names are never by accident on this show, all of these could help to explain his purpose.

We now know a little more about Ethan and Radzinsky. But is also makes us wonder how they survived the Purge (though Radzinsky's death could have possibly been before the Purge). For Ethan, maybe it was because he was so young? Maybe he never knew his real parents (and why his last name is different)? Maybe Ethan and Radzinksy and a few others turned against DHARMA and helped out with the Purge? I'm pretty sure we'll find out more about that.

Also, because or Radzinsky, we know a little more about the Swan. This is the hatch that the Losties originally found with Desmond inside it. Radzinsky has blueprints and a model for it and then later was an inhabitant of it (who became crazy and killed himself).

Lastly, when Ajira airlines crashed, Ilana, who was accompanying Sayid said a name that could have been either Sayid or Sarah. I reached back into my Lost history and realized there was a Sarah: Jack's ex-wife. It would be much simpler if she had said "Sayid" but if she said "Sarah" (as many others have noticed), it could be very, very interesting...

Also, it may be a red herring, but there's talk of a big season-ending Lost wedding. Wouldn't that be interesting? Who would be getting married? All of those possible names are really interesting and I can't wait. As always, Lost can give you some answers as they did, but it just opens up a million other doors. Love it.

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