Monday, March 23, 2009

Lost Wedding Rumor

Wow...that's all I can let me just let Ausiello tell you himself:
An ABC insider confirms that Lost will begin filming a wedding ceremony later today that is slated to air during the show's two-hour finale on May 13. Who's getting hitched? Here are a pair of clues: Actors of Asian-American descent are being sought to play extras, and the wedding will take place on the mainland, not the island. That pretty much rules out Jack/Kate or Sawyer/Juliet. "One theory is that it's a flashback to Sun and Jin's wedding," whispers a Lost insider. "But the wild rumor is that Sun and Jin's daughter will marry Aaron in the future."
Whoa...that last one is way out there but could make some sense about why Aaron didn't come back (or why he wasn't allowed to come back, rather). Remember, it was Sun, in L.A. who suggested that Aaron and Ji Yeon should meet. I wonder if that means that the two of them (and Walt? or Desmond? or Desmond's son Charlie?) will need to get together and head back to the island? Remember, his mother is Claire, his uncle is Jack and his grandfather is Christian so he definitely has a great connection to the island. Maybe all this has to happen for the prince to return home and maybe Sun knows this, explaining which she's inexplicably OK with leaving her daughter to go back to the island.
One last, very wide-spread theory that maybe we shouldn't take everything that people on the show say literally when it has to do with Aaron. When Richard Malkin, the maybe-fake psychic, says that Claire's baby can't be "raised by another", maybe it should be that Claire's baby can't be "raised by an Other". And also when Hurley warns Jack that he's "not supposed to raise him" and Claire warns Kate about "not bringing him back", the "him" in there was theorized to be Locke or Ben (the former, bringing him back to the island and back to life--in a resurrecting sense, "raising him"--and the latter being bringing him back to the island and raising him to leader status). But maybe it is all actually literal. Maybe Aaron has some destiny yet unfulfilled and is not fulfilling that destiny currently. Maybe certain turns of fate need to bring him in that direction. Either way, Lost continues to keep me guessing.

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