Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Live Blogging Lost: "He's Our You"

About to get started here...get excited!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll try to keep's Doc Jensen's preview. His best theory (or at least that I liked the most) was that the Losties were sent back 30 years from stopping Ben. Amazing. Blew my mind.
And we start off with a Ben-centric preview with some Sayid mixed in. Maybe we'll see some more about their relationship???
So Sayid got into killing at a young age...grrrrreat
Love that all my shows are coming together: got someone from Mad Men, 24, etc.
Paul (from the aforementioned Mad Men) says that Sayid doesn't need to eat because he's an other. Are the Others actually dead? Not human? Will we find out soon?
This movie Observe and Report looks good. Maybe it's just because I like Seth Rogen. But Variety liked it too (or not? hard to tell with them). So maybe it's not just me.
Moscow, guy running, is Sayid after him?
Yup. He is quite the smooth assassin. I wonder if he'll have to kill Ben at some point. Although Sawyer, Kate and others have killed, he seems like the only natural.
Sayid on the other side of the the juxtaposition and his look when he saw the cutters (I thought they were for fingers as well)
I feel like Juliet is saying what a lot of viewers are saying: is this it for Juliet/Sawyer and for Sawyer and Juliet's perfect world.
Yeah...Sawyer's perfect world is crumbling. Amazing part is that he just says "I've built trust here" when he infiltrated their group by lying to him (even his name is a lie). But to give him the benefit, it's about as honest as he's ever lived--except maybe in his relationship with Kate. Which brings up a whole new issue we all knew we'd have to deal with at some point. I think Sawyer had started to hope the Oceanic 6 would never show up again, but you got to figure Juliet feels even more strongly.
Hurley works in the kitchen? Love it!
Who is this Holden dude? I'm figuring he's like Johnson from 24.
Even Sayid can't stand watching Young Ben getting some verbal abuse from his Pop.
I think that Ben had some people he wanted dead and he made up this whole story. Those people who are sitting in front of Hurley's mental institution are probably hired by Ben to stage this whole thing. Maybe he needs to get back to the island to stop the Losties from stopping him. You knew he couldn't go his whole life without getting back to the island even though he said when he turned the wheel that he couldn't go back
Is Ben going to intervene here to try to save Sayid?
"He's Our You". Now I get the name. Very interesting. Real juxtaposition.
I'm not a huge Ben Affleck fan, but State of Play looks like it has a chance of being really good.
I may know one or two people who have T-Mobile. But it's not because of their commercials. They do a good job.
So they're promoting the Unusuals by using one of the worst Lost characters of all time, Michael? Not the best move...
And now our intro to Ilana. "Rib-eye, bloody". Love it!
I can't wait for this recap tomorrow. It was hilarious. Mad props for the Ack Attack.
Kate and Juliet working on it. Awk-ward. Juliet could have assigned her anywhere, but she kept her close. Juliet still has some Other in her I guess.
So Michelle Dessler goes from Tony's Soul Patch to Horace'
Whoa Sawyer...way to abandon your friend in his time of need. Voting just to make it unanimous? Weak. I guess he really does value keeping this life.
How can they even say the Haunting in Connecticut is based on a true story? What true story is that? Send me some evidence
Whoa...nice job there by Ilana. Paid to bring him to Guam? I don't think she was hired by anyone that wants to keep him off the island...just throwing that out there
Uh Oh...Sawyer needs some help
...and he goes to Kate. To find out her purpose? Or to ask why she came back to ruin his life? Though it seems like she came back for a Mr. LaFleur
Think Ben planned this?
Yup! Knew he was going to break out Sayid. But whoa?! That's why Sayid is there? Is that why Ben needed him back there? To change his destiny? To change his destiny? I'm so confused...
Interesting theory via Twitter from @benjgc #Lost Flamebus ftw! Jack is fireman/doctor extraordinaire. Little Ben knows some tricks! Is Sayid an agent of the island? That would be an alternative theory. Sayid still working for Ben or maybe he's working for the island? Why? How? Maybe he's trying to get alone with little Ben to kill him off? Or to train him? Whoa.
Yeah...maybe it is to kill Ben off. He did say: "if I see you again, I'll kill you". Maybe he'll just do it in the past and stop him from becoming bad?
Sayid protecting Ben again? Whoa. "Where'd you learn to do that?" I think Ben's dead.
WOW! Down goes Linus! Down goes Linus!

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