Thursday, March 26, 2009

News on 24, Big Love, Lost, Arrested, Family Guy, and The Office

The latest Ask Ausiello is up and it is chock full of good stuff. Also, although Kristin is off having a baby, Watch With Kristin is still churning out some great stuff. I'll discuss them all below with their scoop and my thoughts below in green (needed to change up the colors a bit and I figured the color of money was good enough for me). 
Question: Is Elizabeth Mitchell leaving Lost? It will break my heart if she does. --Cristiane
I address the murky Mitchell situation in this week's EW (on sale Friday), but this much I can tell you now: Juliet will definitely appear on Lost next season.
Question: Please give us a hint about the big death in the Lost finale. --Bill
Just this one: That's not what people will be talking about the next morning. Trust me.
Ok...need to get more into that Lost episode from last night, so I put this one first. I already talked about Juliet last night, so let's get into the other stuff...First, although I haven't seen Doc Jensen's recap go live (he's killing me), I did find this little bit he wrote last night. The two points here that I wanted to bring up were Sayid's giggle and Ben's book. Sayid's giggle seemed the moment he finally got what his purpose was back on the island. I had a feeling that the whole episode was building him up to kill little Ben, but that laugh confirmed it. Also, this writer wrote a book called The Wheel of Time? I really do wonder if the Others gave him a reading list before he became a part of them so that he could learn a lot more about The Island.
I also decided to check out Wikipedia's episode list to see how many we've gone through (It ends up Big Lead did the same thing). Can you believe this was only #10? It seems like so much has happened this season! The name of the next two episodes are "Whatever Happened, Happened" (a Kate-centric episode) and "Dead is Dead" (a Ben-centric episode). Those two statements sound like a very Faraday-like thing to say. I wonder if we're going to find out what happened to Kate/Aaron before they returned a few episodes sooner than the final episode. Speaking of the final episode (it's two hours), that name is "The Incident". So Ausiello seems to think we won't be talking about the death the next day which makes me think we are heading for Yi Jeon/Aaron wedding-type shocker (or how about Desmond's son, Charlie for Aaron?). Though others think that the wedding will be a flashback to Jin & Sun's. Interesting...
My favorite quote from last night: "A 12-year-old Ben Linus brought me chicken-salad sandwich. How do you think I'm doing?" —Sayid
Beginning to feel more and more like Desmond or Juliet are our two biggest candidates for a big death in the season finale. Neither one are part of the Oceanic flight so they may be expendable in this whole island journey. And if Penny has been harmed or Juliet/Sawyer is over, both are again, dare I say it, lost. Though I do like theory going around that Desmond will be shipwrecked back on the island (reliving his past experience). Can't wait!

Question: The Office? Pretty please (with cherries and anything else that you especially like on top)!? --Laura
I'm partial to rainbow sprinkles and crushed Oreos. Regarding Office scoop, we'll soon learn that Ryan pulled a Margene during his time away. (Ask a Big Love fan; they'll know what I'm getting at.)

Question: Do you have any more scoop about The Office? I'm starting to feel like Andy without a penny for his loafers. --Tiffany
Think Michael's abrupt resignation last week was nothing more than a one- or two-episode sweeps stunt? Think again. Not only will his departure stick, he'll decide to start up his own paper company  -- presumably one that competes directly with Dunder Miff!

So what exactly did Ryan do in his time away? Dye his hair blond or start up his own business and make a lot of money? I'm not a huge fan of his character but interested to see what happens when he comes back. And I'm pumped (practically busting) to see Michael start his own company. Does anyone leave to join him? Jim? Pam? Dwight? Andy? I can't wait to see what this looks like. Considering Michael's total lack of knowledge in most areas of life, I'm going to be very interested to see how he starts his own business. Especially since I don't think he has that much spending money after Jan seemed to clean him out. 

Question: You were right, the Big Love finale did not disappoint! HBO has a new best show. And how good was Chloe Sevigny? If she doesn't get any Emmy love, there's going to be at least one angry person out there. --Octavis
Make that two. Three if you count my colleague, Nicholas Fonseca. Four if you add my boss, Henry Goldblatt. Tim Stack brings it to five. Tina Jordan makes it six. Missy Schwartz is seven. Jeremy Medina is eight. Kristen Baldwin = nine. Annie Barrett's 10. Dalton Ross, 11. Margeaux Watson, 12. Ken Tucker, 13...

Question: Is it too early to ask for Season 4 Big Love scoop? --Mari
It's never too early. We have not seen the last of Ana (a.k.a. Wife No. 4). I'll have more on that later in the week.

Question: Did Roman really die in the Big Love finale? --Melanie
Yes. That's why I labeled
this story "Who's gonna die?" and not "Who might die?"

I actually think that all three wives are deserving of Emmy love. Throw in Sarah's character in there as well and I think you may have too much competition for the same show. But I'll go on record as #14. She makes you dislike her and feel for her all at the same time. But I'm excited to see how they bring back Ana. It seems like she would be gone but maybe a chance encounter will bring her back? Lastly, RIP Roman. I just started watching Big Love recently (caught up really quickly), but I truly believe the season finale was one of the best of any show I've seen. And the death of Roman was the way to end it. The man had everyone gunning for him, but it took Joey snapping for someone to finally do it. I don't think the problems with the compound end with Roman dying as Alby doesn't seem like an ally of Bill's.

Question: Will Rhys Coiro (Sean) be back on 24? --Bob
I have a hunch Sean will likely remain lawyered up and out of sight for the rest of the day. A really good hunch (wink, wink).

Too bad...sort of liked his character. But I guess jail is jail unless you're Nina Myers.

Two more things:

-The Arrested Development movie may happen soon! Word is that they could start rolling by this fall. I can't wait!!!

-Also, for those Trekkies out there (we have a few as contributors to the blog, though one is definitely not me), Family Guy this week will be a true treat.

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