Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jack Goes Green

I want to start with a spoiler alert for Andrew. He has asked me to DVR all 24 and Lost episodes while he is away so, Andrew, stop reading now.

An interesting piece in the New York Times this week (H/T mom) on '24'

Apparently the series creators have decided to go "green" with the show - making it the first Carbon Neutral show in television history. Given the regularity of massive explosions and burning cars on the show (which we all obviously have come to love) this was no easy task. Fox had to purchase carbon offsets in order to offset the release of carbon dioxide during each explosion sequence.

And just a little on last nights episode. My friends will all tell you that it is not easy to watch television shows (or movies) with me. As shows get more and more unrealistic and repetitive it tends to irk me. This season of 24 has been especially tough. I love the show, but even though it has relocated to DC it still feels like a simple rehashing of past seasons plot lots. I am getting so incredibly sick of the government being packed solid with corrupt agents, moles, and elected officials. It would be great to see them for just one season (maybe 8 - 2010- is the charm?) feature a US government free of corruption and insider terrorist agents. Come on FOX - can we please see the government take on some terrorists while functioning properly? I swear I would still watch - and probably enjoy it even more.

Last night, however, was a welcome break from the dull repetitive and wildly unrealistic nature of the show. Sure, the White House probably doesn't fall to an attack like that in real life - but at least it felt plausible. For once Jack was actually on the retreat, firing off shots that actually missed the bad guys. The action was considerable, nonstop and of the front-of-your-seat variety. The biggest reason the episode was so great - you really didn't know who was going to live. The President's pissy daughter, Aaron Pierce, Bill Buchanon - were all possible candidates for a silent clock.
Hopefully this episode is a sign of some good '24' to come - I am not ready to give up on Jack just yet.

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