Friday, October 23, 2009

Kicking 'Em While They're Down

Deadspin takes aim at ESPN while the New York Post continues their assault on Brooke Hundley. Let's take a look at both on Day 3 of the attacks:
When the New York Post gets into kicking you, they won't let you back up for air for a while. A-Rod was certainly a recipient of this as were many other unfortunate souls. I really don't think Steve Phillips had as many New York Post articles written about him while he was the General Manager of the New York Mets (though "Stevie Nixed" was a classic) The Post was the first to break the story of the Steve Phillips/Brooke Hundley affair. Then Day Two of the story got even more play from the Post. And today the New York Post decided to lay the whammy by sitting outside Hundley's apartment, taking non-too-flattering pictures of the none-too-attractive girl, and then wrote up a none-too-nice article.

The New York Post has so far, in three days called her a "harlot", a "strumpet", "tubby", "portly" (at least twice), "shlubby", and write that she "waddled" away from her apartment. Now that's journalism for you!

Side Note: Now in Adam-Sandler-in-the-Wedding-Singer fashion, can she please stop wearing the Yankees hat before she jinxes the team!

If there's one person more upset with the New York Post coverage than Hundley, it's Deadspin. Deadspin wanted to break the story themselves but ESPN wouldn't help them out in their pursuit. Once the New York Post broke it first, the floodgates of hell opened. Yet hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned. Deadspin then made it their duty to expose "The Worldwide Leader In Sexual Depravity". The ESPN Horndog Dossier was opened and no one was spared: not Erik Kuselias (with Stephania Bell?!?), not Katie Lacey, not even some guy named Jed Drake. They even published the responses to Deadspin's ESPN Witch Trial today.

I think it's time to find a new topic. It was great for a while (hell, we even posted something about it), but eventually they'll need to find a new whipping boy (or girl) because at some point it just becomes over- saturation. I think we may have reached that point.

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