Friday, October 23, 2009

HOMEfield Advantage and Rally King Kong

The Yankees won the most games in the majors at home this season, going 57-24 in the regular season. So far in this postseason they are 4-0 there. Let's not forget the Yankees worked to earn that advantage during the regular season and now they get to go home with two more chances to clinch the series.

This means playing at home park which is geared towards left-handed hitters with the Yankees sending two veteran lefties to the mound.

This means Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez, two players suffering flu-like symptoms, being able to sleep in their owns beds and maybe get better.

This means sending the Angels back to a park where they made 5 errors in the first two games and only managed to score 4 runs in 22 innings despite the Yankees making 3 errors of their own.

This also means getting out of Anaheim where they got killed by the Thundersticks and the Rally Monkey.

How do you combat the rally monkey? Steven Goldman has a great idea: Rally King Kong.

I am sick of the Rally Monkey. Have the Yankees' scoreboard operators gotten to work on the New York equivalent as of yet? Guys, I want to see Rally Kong climbing the Empire State Building and smashing biplanes. You don't need more than a day to get that set up, right?

Awesome idea. Let's do it!

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