Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Walsh!

Really, really good episode of 24 last night. Janeane Garofalo may have been fooling everyone a few times over. I thought she was really bad at acting (may be right on that one). Then I thought her poor acting may be a front for her ulterior motive (a la President Logan). Then I was pretty sure that she was the mole. And all along, it was Billy fucking Walsh...I mean Sean Hillinger. The girl who he's sleeping with could definitely be in on it as well. So could Moss (unwillingly, maybe). But I think it's just him. Great last-second, totally-24-style twist.
[As an aside, I am looking at Rhys Coiro's IMDB page and what a jump! The guy goes from being a one-and-done on CSI's to being a huge part of Entourage and a villain on 24 and has 2 movies post production and one just completed. Now that's a pretty damn good.]
Other things I loved: Aaron Pierce's return appearance (loved just hearing the voice before seeing him), Morris and Chloe in the car (though I feel like that's not the last we'll see of Morris...more on this later), Chloe making fun of the operations at the FBI, Chloe and Moss, just Chloe, the President saying "sonuvabitch" (referring to Dubaku), Jack and Freckles (AKA Renee) busting into Marika's apartment, and Freckles (she is like a young Jack...or at least seems to be developing into that).
Thing I really didn't like: This whole Dubaku's girlfriend thing. We've seen this plot before in Season 1 and a few other times. And she sucks. Big time. And we're supposed to believe in less than 5 minutes she went from loving this guy to openly betraying him?Ummmm....And the President's actions. On one hand she'll let her husband die for the country...on the other, she needs to be by his bedside for hours while the country is in peril.
And speaking of relationships, Bill sends Pierce to go pick up the First Daughter--but not Tony or his wife, Karen. Wonder if this means she's not his wife anymore? And is Pierce still with the former Mrs. Logan? And who is the Vice President? I think we're going to see a return of either Novick or Heller.
As for Morris, this is not the last time we'll see him. I'll put money on that. There's three things that make me think this is true. 1) You don't bring him back for that role...she's pretty awkward at life, but Chloe could probably drive herself, 2) There was a very ominous angle filmed of their child...those usually lead to bad things occurring to that person (or total red herrings, double switches--either way), and, 3) Mary Lynn Rajskub (real life Chloe) is supposedly having a baby in real life and will need to leave the show for a few episodes. Who has the technical knowledge and trustworthiness (since Janeane Garofalo will probably be pegged as the traitor after her security breach) if Chloe leaves? Yup. Morris. And I think Morris-Chloe-Garofalo-Walsh as our four IT people will be AMAZING.
Speaking of amazing, the preview for the next episode looks sick. Freckles getting slap happy (South Park-style) on Jack looks like a big scene.

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