Thursday, February 26, 2009

Did I Mention I Don't Like Locke?

I'm not sure if I mentioned it on this blog, but I'm not a Locke fan. Once in a while he has a good joke or makes a good decision...but for the most part, I don't like him. So to have a Locke-centric episode last night was a bit painful. What made it even more painful was that I didn't think it was a particularly good episode. My one big exception was for Ben killing Locke--that was quite a scene and really changed my thoughts on what happened.
Abaddon (of The Wire and Fringe fame) gets people to where they need to go? Sounds like Charon taking the souls of the deceased from Hermes and ferries them across the River Styx to Hades (forgive me if my mythology is off...but I think I got that right). He was a little humor and levity in this episode ("kid got a little big" about Walt) which was much-needed. Locke was back on the mainland where he was weak, in a wheelchair, and easily influenced by father figures (Widmore says to do this, he does it. Ben says to do that, he does it). By the end, I thought he was so pathetic that I agreed with Sayid, Jack and Kate's rough treatment of him.
So who did Lapides run off with? Probably Sun. But maybe someone else who was over there (I think they're on the other island where they held Jack/Kate/Sawyer). Maybe someone like Cindy (the flight attendant who was among the Tailies)? I think we definitely need a Lapides back story.
Are our two new people good or bad? We see the guy grab a gun but he doesn't show it to the girl? Is he bad and she's not? And what is this war that's about to occur.
Things to watch for: the numbers were on the side of the building Sayid was working on and the limo that Abaddon drove was an old NY plate...maybe just coincidence, but interesting (H/T Ari for the pickups).
And the Ben thing is amazing. He found out about Jin from Locke. But like when Desmond mentioned Mrs. Hawking's name, Ben had a real psychotic reaction to hearing her name from Locke. I think that fact led Ben to kill him. I think Ben thought he was now going to be dead for good. I think Ben is in for a surprise coming up.
Lastly (it's a short recap...don't have a ton of time), I don't know whether to trust Christian, Widmore, Ben...or really anyone anymore. It's sort of like the first season of 24 all over again! And I can't believe I'm missing two weeks!!! NOOOOO!!!!
Some articles to keep you going Doc Jensen before, Doc Jensen after, TWoP

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