Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to add your favorite team's schedule to your Google Calendar

I've always said that if Google and Apple could somehow join forces, they would solve all of the world's problems. And they would be called Goople, which is just plain funny.

Okay, maybe all of that is exaggeration, but these two companies really do find the most clever ways to solve life's little problems...and some of the bigger ones as well. Everything they do is designed to enhance and innovate. Each product is simply a better version of the competition's product.

Anyway, Google's latest innovation is a solution to one of the little problems. It allows you to add your favorite sports team's schedule to your Google Calendar. (Sure beats simultaneously checking to compare your schedule with that of the team.) Simply open your calendar, find the buttons in the top right corner, click on "New: Sports Calendars," select the "Sports" tab, and click through the various sports and leagues to find your favorite teams.

Pretty cool, if you ask me.

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