Monday, February 22, 2010

Running Series: Yankee Stadium Deconstruction Update (2/22/10)

Thanks to Tom Kaminski in Chopper 880, we have another update in the Yankee Stadium deconstruction process. It appears that further damage has been done to the upper deck in left field, as the machines work their way from fair into foul territory. It's crazy that some of the seats I sat in are already gone.

Also, River Avenue Blues has a nice post on the ongoing demolition process. (H/T Andrew via RAB.) Be sure to click on the link to Gary Dunaier's photo album on Flickr. There are some really great shots in there.

Anyways, here you go with the usual visual barrage of destruction...


  1. At least they got rid of the worst seats in the house first. Those upper deck left field seats were by the far the worst.

  2. I have an awful memory of seeing the Mets clobber the Yankees from up there in 2008. Though Ben may have had a worse memory of the night because at the end of it, he found a whole bag-full of peanut shells in the hood of his jacket.

    All joking aside, this is tough to watch occur. The only wish that I have is that it's completed by Opening Day in the Bronx.

  3. I feel like a job destroying something would be fun but I'm not sure I would be able to sign up for knocking down The Stadium.

  4. Parch, Perhaps you should consider this for your next vacation (with the double crush - h/t ari)

  5. Parch, I'm not sure any Yankees fan would, or could, sign up for knocking down Yankee Stadium. Destroying shit is fun, for sure, but not when it's the House that you grew up in.

    I keep waiting for the token interview with a construction guy who talks about how hard it is to do this job. I've already seen one with Giants Stadium, so what could possibly be taking so long with the OYS?

  6. It's a shame that Yankee Stadium is being destroyed. It could have been renovated to look like it did before the 1973 renovation. Instead, we get a replica across the steet. I guess the Powers that be show us what the power in the almighty dollar can do. Hence, the exorbitant ticket prices on the other side of 161st St. They have no sense of history (see Ebbets Field and the Polo Grounds). Fenway Park and Wrigley Field endure. But, this Shine in The Bronx gets eliminated. SHAME ON THEM ALL. It make no common sense. Just a lot of cents.

  7. I LOVE the way you think, Vinny. Not enough was made of this issue when plans for the NYS were announced. Why the hell couldn't the Yankees just renovate the old stadium to look like the 1923 stadium, with all the bells and whistles and amenities of the 21st century?

    I mean, that would've been extremely expensive, but would it have been more than $1.5 billion?!?

    By the way, are you related to Vinny Guadagnino from the Jersey Shore? Tell him I said what's up, and not to come to law school. Love the show, though.
