Friday, August 28, 2009

The One Thing That Would Get Me To Watch Curb...Maybe

"How are you such a big fan of Seinfeld but don't like Curb Your Enthusiasm?"

I don't know how many times I've been asked the above question. Many people know how much I love Seinfeld and think that naturally I should like Curb too because, well, Larry David. I think that's pretty weird logic. Just because you like show A with someone doesn't mean you'll like show B. Seinfeld and Curb aren't the same show. Do people say "oh...well you liked Friends, so how come you didn't watch Joey?" or "Hey, you liked Kramer on Seinfeld so how come you let The Michael Richards Show get canceled?". In sports terms this would be like saying to someone "You were Johnny Damon's biggest fan on the Red Sox, why don't you root for him on the Yankees now?" No, that's idiotic.

Anyways, so I don't like Curb. It's not that I hate it or even dislike it. It's just not a show I like and watch. People have sat me down and made me watch episodes while laughing hysterically and I've sat going "OK, that's semi-funny, but not my style." Yet they continue to ask me if I saw the one with the "crazy eyed killer" and I continue to have to tell them no, I don't watch the fucking show.

Well finally something happened that will probably get me to watch. My favorite show of all time, Seinfeld (no offense to 24 or LOST who come in 2 and 3, respectively), is having a reunion of sort on the show. Entertainment Weekly has some of the details.

I sent that out to my friends, excited about the Seinfeld reunion, and got back these two responses:

Does this mean i can actually get you to watch Curb?!?!?!

He's gonna have to watch it now! Woo Hoo!

I think I may just boycott if for that reason. Like other people actually have some sort of stake in me watching the show. Do I watch it to see Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer again? Or do I say "screw it" and hold out on principle? Or do I watch it secretly and not tell anyone?

I don't know. But I think it's time for a great Seinfeld sports quote:

Derek Jeter: We won the World Series
George: [scoffs] In 6 games!

A few random, non-Yankee, some only tangentially sports links:
  • Sports leagues view people like me (bloggers, not Jews) as a threat and will ban us from certain activity according to The New York Times (H/T Sarah)
  • This ESPN The Magazine article on the "mutual fund" of bets is worth a read. Really interesting perspective.
  • A minor league club was locked out of their park for failing to pay rent and the mayor parked a tractor on home plate so they wouldn't sneak in and try to play. Seriously.
  • The NFL is going to institute a rule change because the Cowboys screwed up their brand news stadium. Unbelievable. The Yankees have short fences and I feel like people are making a bigger deal over the Yankees' new digs than the Cowboys.
  • IIATMS looks at the potential candidates for the next Baseball commisioner
  • Awful Announcing has a great job by ESPN making fun of themselves over the Favre coverage
  • Newsday's columnists all look like sex offenders in their website mug shots as hilariously pointed out by Past A Diving Jeter
  • Murray Chass on the death of "Sports of the Times" (sad state of the newspaper business)
  • If there wasn't enough social networking, now there may be specialized one by teams according to The New York Times. I don't know whether I'm more upset this exists or that I didn't come up with it quicker.
  • Lastly, ESPN's Scott Burnside on the potential US Olympic Hockey team. I'm excited for this.

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