In the Line of Fire
Oh right—this just in—where Jack goes, so does the firefight. He realized something was up and started to retreat but it was too late. Jack’s convoy was attacked (by Americans, no less…more on that ridiculousness later) and like everyone who partners Jack on a mission, they are being knocked down like bowling pins. A heroic Secret Service female agent tells Jack to stay with President Hassan while she adds to Ari’s body count. Good plan, lady. Why don’t you both go with Hassan? Wouldn’t that make more sense? Isn’t the point of the Secret Service to stay with whomever they’re protecting and make sure they’re safe? Is she promoting FOX’s new show, Human Target? Regardless, she’s a dead woman.
Jack, Freckles (so happy to have her back) and company are fleeing when Hassan tells Jack to go back for his men*. Jack knows better—those people only signed one episode contracts. They continue to run through this tunnel which all of a sudden has gotten a lot larger than when they were going the other way and realize they are trapped. Jack gives Hassan a gun and Freckles instructions to fire willy nilly into the crowd once Jack sets off a smoke bomb. What did that do? The last time I saw someone brandish a gun that recklessly, Plaxico was in The Latin Quarter. Oh wait…it doesn’t matter. Jack and Freckles unlocked the code for unlimited ammo! Gotta love 24, the video game.
*Side Note: OK, 24, so the Secret Service is being picked off by one-by-one but they don’t think of calling for backup? This show can get so frustrating sometimes. How fast do you think backup could get there if they needed it? If all they had to do was drive a car out of this tunnel and to the holding area for all the people evacuated from the United Nations, couldn’t they just quickly send some people back? No, let’s go at this alone. That sounds like a much better strategy.
Jack starts picking off the tactical ops team one by one and gets to a higher position to speed up the killing process. Awesome. Except one of the guys shooting at Jack, flanks his position and attacks him from the side sending him sprawling to the ground. Looking at sure death for the second time in two episodes, a bang is heard and Jack is saved. But while last week it was from Freckles, this week, Hassan does the trick. One more person to add to your Holiday card list, Jack*.
*Side Note: Jack’s holiday card list is pretty small. Kim and her family. Chloe. Freckles. Maybe Wayne Palmer. I would hope he sends one to Aaron Pierce. But who else is this man close with? I doubt he sends Tony greetings in jail. I don’t think he’s sending love notes to Audrey. Does he send one to Marilyn Bauer and his son (yes, I said it, the kid has to be his son—did we just drop that plot)? Probably not. Bill Buchanan’s widow, Karen Hayes? Probably not. It’s a tough list for Jack at this point.
Flashback to Season 6
Anything that reminds you of Season 6 is a bad thing. And this ridiculous plot trying to give over President Hassan certainly fit the bill. Let’s back up. The writers of 24 decided President Taylor needed to try to win another Emmy this season so they had her assemble her Cabinet in The Situation Room (dammit, where is Wolf Blitzer?). After meeting and discussing possible outcomes and the fact that she doesn’t want to think about retaliation—even though she threatened just as much to Hassan a few episodes back—they receive a phone call from the man holding the weapon and, of course, they take it on speakerphone. The ransom demand: Hassan or the bomb goes off.
They debate back-and-forth over whether they should consider turning over Hassan. Rob Weiss (who is slowly turning into one of the more annoying characters of the season) and one other adviser, General David Bruckner (who plays, very aptly for this role, General Tommy Franks in W) says that they should. Ethan and the President are adamant that they can’t. President Taylor gives a speech to the audience to submit to the Emmy nomination committee to rally everyone under the fact they need to find these terrorists before the end of the hour. But as the meeting is breaking up, the Bruckner and Weiss hatch a plot to kidnap Hassan themselves. How are they going to do it? Well Bruckner has a tactical team just waiting for deployment*. And so they hatch a plan to steal Hassan’s route from Ethan, kidnap him and turn him over to the terrorists. Because of course the terrorists are ethical guys and when they say they won’t attack New York if the US hands over Hassan, they really, really mean it. Pinky swear. Cross their heart and hope to die by nuclear explosion.
*Side Note: 24 writers, really dropping the ball are you? You’ve had an elite tactical unit at your fingertips but you’ve refused to use them? Bruckner shouldn’t even be tried in a court of law for this—he should be taken out back and shot. How about sending them after the terrorists in the taxi earlier in the episode? How about sending them as backup for Jack on one of his missions? How about sending him after Tarin when no other tactical team was close enough. Ugh.
Well the stealing of Ethan’s information doesn’t go exactly according to plan. I mean, well, it all goes to shit when Ethan walks in and catches wind of what they were doing. Busted! But they’re not going to let Ethan just walk out and tattle to the President. They keep him locked up in the room. And suddenly he has a heart attack (I admit, I thought he was faking it). Rob Weiss gets him his meds but he needs medical attention. But Bruckner advises against giving it to him. Wait until after this blows over, he says. Meanwhile, Ethan is slowly dying. And Rob Weiss is left babysitting him. If this was LOST, we would hear a woosh woosh woosh and flashback to Season 6 and the awful “trapped in the closet” plotline. But since this is not LOST, let’s just leave it at this. As painful as this plot is. Let's just let Ethan die. That is the heart of the matter after all. Or maybe this plotline is so ridiculous that we should just ignore it until Bruckner and Weiss go to jail.
"Mole...... Mole...... MOLEY, MOLEY, MOLEY, MOLEY, MOLEY!!!"
The last plot is the terrorist plot. Tarin is filling in for a dead driver. Uh oh. He’s to drive the van with the bomb to the Upper West Side (though Sarah pointed out that a restaurant in the scene said “Noltia” which is far from the UWS), park it in a garage and set it off there. Samir also tells Tarin that he needs to stay with the bomb and make sure it goes off. His family will be remembered and all that jazz. Tarin starts the 15-minute countdown but he doesn’t look like he’s going to stick around to see the bomb go off. I guess we’ll find out next episode (a two-hour bash that looks quite good). Bring it on.
Season grade so far: B+/B. It was an OK episode but it wasn't great. Next week's two-hour "event" looks awesome though. Logan back. Jack and Denny. But if the previews are the best part of the show, it gets knocked down a bit. Even the firefight scene wasn't all that captivating. But two-hour events are usually really good on 24 so I'm excited for that. But if this whole rescue of Hassan is for naught because he turns himself over, I'm going to be quite upset.
Best line of the week: "I only take orders from the President" - Jack. Yeah, Jack? Since when have you taken orders from anyone? There have now been quite a few Presidents on this show (when you factor in the people who took power for a little while) and you've listened to none of them. You take orders from no one. You are you're own authority. Let's just admit that and go on with the day.
Best moment of the week: Hassan shooting Jack's potential killer. Yeah, it was obvious it was coming when Jack gave him a gun, but it was still pretty cool. Twice in two weeks we've seen Jack staring down the barrel of a gun and twice he's had someone bail him out. Holiday card, Jack. Holiday card.
Ari's body count: 71. From Ari on the count: "Dude. So high. 9 men on the security detail, plus the 2 agents at the vehicle. So 11 right there. Plus the good-but-doing-bad guys. I counted 1 of them killed up front, and then Jack took out 3 with Renee, and then he took out another 3 and Hassan got 1. So 8 of them axed. I think 19 is accurate for the week." Got all that? Good.
Comments? Thoughts? Liked it? Disliked it? Ready for next week's two-hour "event"? Sorry for the late recap but post your comments below!
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Hey, here's a question! How do you make one Samir Mehran? Combine equal parts of Johan Santana ( and Carson from Team America: World Police (
ReplyDeleteGreat point about the absurdity of having this specialized tactical team at the government's fingertips, but leaving them unused when trying to recover the nuclear rods. Apparently they only exist when rogue generals are trying to subvert the president's agenda. Ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of ridiculous, how about the president's speech? Obviously it's intended to be the clip they play at the Emmys when Cherry Jones wins her next award, but the improbability of her plan needs to be documented.
This would NEVER happen. The U.S. government would never allow something like moral responsibility to jeopardize the lives of at least 100,000 American citizens, not to mention a very large chunk of the biggest and most important American city. Whatever the value of refusing to abandon a peace process, the role of government is to protect its citizens. That's what John Locke said, anyway, and I think most Americans would agree...we sacrifice some of our personal rights and liberties to the government in exchange for, among other things, the protection it gives us.
For the president to sacrifice 100,000+ American CIVILIANS to advance the agenda she created (the peace process with Hassan) is ABSURD. She is the commander in chief of the armed forces, but we are talking about regular old NYC residents. Her speech sounded nice and principled, I guess, but nobody in our government would EVER do that.
You know what would happen? The government would agree to give up Hassan, but when the meeting took place, they'd try to overtake the terrorists and get to the nuclear rods that way. I feel like this exact plot has happened before on 24...
overall, horrendous plot twist. a wet ops team ready to respond and attack in the middle east is for some reason in new york? and a rouge general? and Rahm Emmanuel going along with it? and ethan's heart giving out. I mean, come on. like, thank god the show is getting cancelled. plus 11 US Secret Service agents, some of the best trained protective personnel in the world, armed with automatic weapons only manage to take out ONE of the good-but-acting-bad guys, while 11 of them die. and jack and renee, neither of whom has fired a weapon in over a year prior to today manage to take down 7 of them with fracking handguns. ENOUGH ALREADY!
ReplyDeleteTarin is totally going to flake. I don't see how anyone can get there to dismantle the bomb in 15 min.