Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Running Series: Yankee Stadium Deconstruction Update 3/10/10

H/T to Andrew and the New York Post* for the latest and most knife-twisting photos of The Ballpark Formerly Known as Yankee Stadium.

*Tom Kaminski, where were you today??

UPDATE: Here is a great article by Richard Sandomir of the New York Times talking about the deconstruction pictured in the photographs below.  He does a nice job discussing the emotion involved in the deconstruction process, and he also mentions that additional upper deck sections will be brought down today (Thursday, 3/11).

SECOND UPDATE: Thanks to Andrew and CNN iReport for the actual video of the upper deck collapsing.  Rather chilling, if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. I think one day this weekend I should just sit on the 161st 4-train platform and watch them work on this. It's really fascinating and sad all at once
