Friday, February 26, 2010

On Johnny Damon's Broken Bats and DMB Citi Field Concert Seating

On a very snowy day in New York, two random thoughts about the baseball teams in New York, or at least the product you'll see in their respective stadiums.

First, for the Yankees, one thing I won't miss about Johnny Damon's at-bats this season are the broken bats. While Mariano Rivera is the king at breaking bats from the pitching mound, Damon found a way to break more bats than what would seem humanly possible from the batter's box. I was at a concert last night where the headline act changed guitars after almost every song. It killed the flow of the concert much like Damon's constant bat changes kill the flow of a baseball game. Below is a great Flickr photo from user eviltomthai showing one of Johnny's man broken pieces of lumber (or at least in the process of breaking):

Next, from across the Subway Series are the New York Metropolitans whose best performance on the field this summer may come from Dave Matthews Band's two-night concert stop at Citi Field. I'm excited for the show and have ticket for both nights. Here's the one biggest problem I see. You know how all the seats are angled so that they face homeplate so that when you go to see a baseball game, you're always facing home? Well, that's wonderful for a baseball game, but what happens to your comfortability in those seats when the action isn't at homeplate, but instead, in the outfield, as it is for Dave Matthews Band and probably every other concert at Citi Field? Check out the seating chart below and tell me that those seats angling towards home isn't going to be a problem for everyone who is not sitting directly behind home:

Anyone else going to Dave Matthews Band this summer at Citi Field? Anyone else OK with Damon and his broken bats finding a new home in Detroit?

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