Monday, February 23, 2009

Could Anything Today Duplicate Miracle on Ice?

Yesterday was the 29th Anniversary of the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" hockey game where a bunch of American college kids beat the heavily favored Soviet Union. The United States team would later move on to the gold, many people would claim they loved hockey, Disney would make a picture starring Kurt Russell, Al Michaels announcing career would be made...and, oh yeah, many Americans would use it as an uplifting moment with their country defeating the USSR during the middle of the Cold War.
So almost three decades later, could this happen again? Could any game in sports be so important/uplifting that it could lift a nation and inspire a people? I know that some felt that the tremendous Yankees 2001 World Series wins in New York had some of the same effect with the backdrop of 9/11 fresh in everyone's memory and the Ground Zero cleanup still ongoing (HBO did a wonderful documentary called "9 Innings From Ground Zero" that I highly, highly recommend picking up). But I'm not sure that anything in the near future would come close to either of those.
Do you think that there is anything going forward that would be this inspiring? Interested to hear some thoughts from readers... 

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