Friday, February 20, 2009

Ausiello With Big Love, Scrubs, Lost and 24 Spoilers!

Becoming a huge fan of Ausiello and he has some good stuff here on Big Love and here on the rest of his shows during his weekly Q&A and all of them center around people on the show dying (sans the Scrubs)! First, the Big Love thing is huge. One of those people who has been integral to the show is going to die and another supporting player will bit the dust in March. I'll first put the Q&A and then the Big Love odds.
My guesses: #1 Frank, #2 Wanda, #3 Ana. I wouldn't have put Sarah on this list ever, but she seems to be moving oddly down that path. And I was about to put her right behind ole Frank when I saw that her baby's daddy arrives March 15th. Which means that she probably can't die soon. Frank has pissed off so many people and Wanda seems on the edge all the time. Ana would be a convenient death for this show so while not likely, is possible. I would put Lois in the top 3, but I think that she's too big to the show to get canned. The guy and the girl hint in the Q&A got me confused. I don't know though. This is a show that's lived on the edge and that certainly would be edgy.
As for the Lost death, I think we may need to think about Penny's safety. If not her the other "major-ish" characters are Miles, Aaron and maybe Desmond. Who else wouldn't be major but major-ish? Faraday? Maybe. It'll keep me guessing for a while longer...And on Monday, someone from 24 will get killed off. I'm figuring it's probably Marika. But I'm not going to jump to any conclusions with this show. Lost and 24 are so good because they're not afraid to kill of main characters. The Jacks will always be there, but the rest may not.
Ok...on to the Q&A and the odds:
Question: I want to congratulate you on your 26th birthday coming up on Monday! Now, how about some juicy Lost scoop. -- Anglique
How about you get my age right first. Twenty-six?! Do I really look that old? Ugh. So much for Oil of Olay Daily Regenerating Serum. Anywhoo, Lost scoop: Someone will be joining recent time travel victim Charlotte six feet under before the season is over. My source describes the character as "major-ish," which most likely rules out any of our series regulars. Guesses? Post 'em in the comments section!

Question: Dude, the foreshadowing in this week's 24 has me worried for Chloe's safety. Please tell me she's not going to take a header into the Dead Pool come season end. -- Nicole
Relax, Chloe isn't dying. But someone else is this Monday. Also in next week's ep: A 24 fave returns and a new threat will be revealed! (Is it just me, or did that last sentence read like a Fox promo? I think I've been doing this too long.)

Question: Since Scrubs moved to ABC, there is always a character missing from each episode. Why? -- Shanon
Money. In order to make the season 8 pick-up financially feasible for ABC, Bill Lawrence had to trim some serious coin from the show's budget. The easiest way to do that was to give every cast member two episodes off. Zach Braff included.

Question: Okay, I'll bite: Give me some spoilerage about the two deaths coming up on Big Love. -- Jenna
One's male and one's female. Additional clues can be found here, but click over at your own risk.

Question: Please, I need big spoilers for Big Love. What is coming up! What is going to happen to poor Sarah? And what is going on with Margene? -- Katie
Sarah's baby daddy, Scott (Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul) returns on March 15. And Margene starts her own business selling, what else, bracelets. 

Odds of the goner being Nicki: 16%. Because: Once Bill and her sister wives discover the lengths she went to on her father's behalf, life as she knew it will be over. So perhaps, to her, it might seem less painful if life, period, were over, too.

Odds of the goner being Frank: 22%. Because: Once Bill's parents started taking turns trying to do away with one another, planet Earth, never mind the Juniper Creek compound, was no longer big enough for both of them.

Odds of the goner being Lois: 11%. Because: See above. But her odds of surviving are better than her "better" half's because c'mon, can you imagine an episode without Grace Zabriskie? I sure can't.

Odds of the goner being Sarah: 17%. Because: With all hell breaking loose in the Henricksons' increasingly small world, it would be awfully easy for an innocent to get caught in the crossfire. Plus, after Mamma Mia! the big screen is beckoning Amanda Seyfried.

Odds of the goner being Roman: 13%. Because: You don't have to be a prophet to foresee that someone with as many enemies as wives -- who's already been shot once -- is a serious contender buy the farm.

Odds of the goner being Alby: 9%. Because: You know you're in trouble when your own mother takes out a hit on you. And if Dad were moved to do the same, something tells me the only boys "the usurper" would be trysting with would be angels.

Odds of the goner being Ana: 3%. Because: Her murder would afford the Greenes the satisfaction of taking away one of Bill's wives without us having to lose Barb, Margene or Nicki. Of course, first the character would have to be reintroduced...

Odds of the goner being Wanda: 9%. Because: Let's face it, Joey's whack-job wife spends every day with one foot in insanity, the other in the grave. The only question is, would she do herself in, or would someone else do it for her?

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