Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lost with LOST: Flight attendants, please prepare for arrival.

The penultimate episode of LOST was uncharacteristically all over the place.  It didn't focus on a single character or storyline.  It also didn't answer some important questions from the last episode, such as the true nature of the golden sewer or how the MIB is going to destroy the island.  But it did advance the plot in a way that says: "Please stow your tray tables and raise your seat backs into the full upright position, we are cleared for landing."  Everything seemed to set up the grand finale.  The pace of the episode was brisk, and it did a commendable job of preparing us for the final battle on Sunday night.  I can't say I loved it in the way that I loved "Ab Aeterno" earlier this season, but it wasn't a frustrating letdown like last week's biblical flashback was.  Let's just say that the show has its ducks in a row, and it's time for the main event.

Sideways World

We begin, as always, with a closeup of Jack's eye.  Jack still has the cut on his neck from the airplane, only this time it is smeared with more fake blood.  His son asks whether mom is joining them at the concert that night (more on this later...) but does not disclose the mom's identity.  We need to know this.  Oceanic calls to report that Christian's coffin is en route to Los Angeles.  Jack is naturally relieved but completely unaware that "Oceanic" was really Desmond Hume on his cell phone.  This is another sign that Desmond knows far more than everyone else in the Sideways World.

Later Desmond returns to Locke and Ben's school.  Right before it looks like Desmond is going to run Locke over with his car (again) Ben jumps out to stop him.  Desmond gets out and beats the shit out of Ben,** claiming that he isn't there to hurt Ben, but is instead trying to help Locke "let go."  Ben believes him because right in mid-beatdown, he flashes over to the parallel universe and remembers Desmond beating the shit out of him on the island.  This means we can add Ben to the growing list of people who are aware of the other side: Desmond, Hurley, Libby, Faraday, Eloise, and Charlie.

**Is it me, or does Ben get beat up more than any other character?  It's to the point where he doesn't even look right without bruises and cuts on his face.  It doesn't matter whether he's evil Ben or innocuous Dr. Linus.  He's always getting hit.

Locke soon learns about Ben's encounter with Desmond and realizes that the whole getting-run-over-then-meeting-Dr.-Jack thing isn't a coincidence.  This prompts him to revisit Jack in the hospital and submit to the spinal reconstruction procedure, a conversation that produced a great "I think I'm ready to get out of this chair" line.**  Unfortunately, this is obscured by the writers' resuscitation of the old free will vs. fate debate as Jack says it's all just a coincidence and Locke swears it's meant to be.  What's more interesting is how Jack embraced his fate via free will later in the episode...

**I love the symbolic (or not so symbolic?) connection between Sideways Locke and FLockeSLocke wants out of his wheelchair and FLocke wants off the island.  Both are constrained and are ready to leave.  That's all I've got on this issue, but this is probably significant in some way.

In any case, many more connections are established in the Sideways World.  Desmond reports himself to the LAPD for his hit-and-run on Locke and beatdown of Ben.  He is thrown into jail by Starsky and Hutch Sawyer and Miles, where he is placed in a cell alongside Kate and Sayid (good to see him alive again).  Alas, this is just temporary.  Once all three are being transported to county jail, Desmond makes Sayid and Kate promise to go along with him if he facilitates their escape.  They agree and the van promptly stops, whereupon -- wait for it -- Officer Ana Lucia opens the door to help them get away!  Hurley shows up with a boatload of cash to pay off Ana Lucia for her treasonous efforts.**

**This was a hilarious and informative scene.  Hurley says to Desmond "I didn't know Ana Lucia was going to be here!"  Ana Lucia says, "Do I know you, Tubby?"  Hurley says no and Desmond says she's not ready yet.  Basically, this reveals the objective of this week's Sideways World storyline: Desmond is collecting (almost) all of the Losties from the Sideways World for an as-yet-unrevealed purpose.  Hurley takes off with Sayid and Desmond takes off with Kate, who receives a dress that she'll need for a concert that night.  Looks like that purpose is slowly being revealed...Desmond is planning a big reunion with Jack later that night.  We just don't know what's going to happen there.

The last really important part of the Sideways plot wasn't actually that exciting.  Sneaky hot Alex invites "Dr. Linus" to her house for dinner.  Ben drags his feet but Alex's mom pushes the issue.  Who is Alex's mom?  It's Danielle Rousseau, of course, who has not only cleaned up her look quite nicely but also insists that Ben come over, "even if they have to kidnap him."  Ben doesn't flinch, but I do, because I remember when Ben kidnapped Alex away from Rousseau on the island.  It gets even juicier when Ben and Rousseau gaze romantically at each other in the kitchen.  Alex's father died when she was two, so technically the door is open for Ben, but how is this plotline going to be resolved in 2.5 hours?  It ain't.  Let's move on.

Island World

Okay, so the Sideways World was consumed with the all-knowing and cleverly-scheming Desmond, who was hard at work rounding up the Losties for a reunion at Jack's son's concert.  That's all well and good, but the best parts of this episode happened on the island.

It's clear that sides are being drawn here.  Kate says that they need to kill FLocke.  Jack, who teetered on this issue only a few episodes ago, is now fully on board with this plan.  Sawyer, who looks super guilty for killing Sun and Jin,** seems willing to let Jack take over and announce their plan to find Desmond, which is essential to stopping FLocke.

**Sawyer should feel guilty.  He kicked Jack off the boat, helped FLocke steal the submarine, prevented FLocke from boarding the doomed submarine, and pulled the wires from the bomb, thereby fulfilling FLocke's plan to destroy the sub and causing the deaths of Sayid, Sun, and Jin.  He also managed to get knocked unconscious, which prevented Jack from saving Jin, which turned poor little Ji Yeon into an orphan.  Son of a bitch!

Finally we are reunited with the Ben/Richard/Miles group.  Ben leads them to New Otherton where he has hidden lots of C4 in the secret room behind the bookcase.  Before they can leave to "blow the plane to hell," Widmore and Zoe show up.  Widmore fires a shot across the bow, "As usual, Benjamin, I am three steps ahead of you.  Jacob told me everything I need to know to get here."  But before more insults can fly, FLocke arrives in a big way.

Richard goes outside to distract FLocke so that the others can escape.  He walks around warily until Smokey swoops in out of nowhere and throws Richard's body really far.**  FLocke approaches Ben and asks him to kill some people.  If Ben is successful, he can have the island all to himself when FLocke leaves.***  Power-monger Ben is excited by this idea and promptly reveals that the outrigger belongs to Widmore, who is hiding in the closet.

**It is possible that we just witnessed Richard's death.  While ageless, he is not immortal, and he is presumably able to die once his purpose on the island has been fulfilled.  His purpose was to serve as the intermediary between Jacob and Jacob's candidates.  Now that we have identified Jacob's replacement among the candidates, Richard is no longer needed, and he is "free to die."  But if that was his death, what a subpar death for such an important character!  After all he did for Jacob, the Others, the Losties, and the island, he deserved better than that.  Unlike Lapidus, however, I bet that we'll find out Richard's fate in the finale.  I'm simply suggesting that his fate is death.  Maybe that isn't such a bad thing, since he can finally be with his wife.

***Later in the episode, however, we learn that MIB intends to destroy the island.  So theoretically, there will be nothing left for Ben to inherit and control.  A liar has been conned by a bigger and better liar!

FLocke tells Ben he doesn't want to be in the closet to see what he's about to do.  Ben, fully aware of what's going to happen, says "I want to see this."  What does he get to see?  The second Zoe opens her mouth, Widmore shushes her, and FLocke slices her across the throat with his knife (perhaps "the" knife from last episode).**  I doubt many tears were shed for her character's death.  I, for one, was happy to see her go.  Anyway, FLocke threatens Widmore with killing Penny when he gets off the island, so Widmore lays his cards on the table.  He brought Desmond to the island because of his resistance to electromagnetism -- he is a "measure of last resort."  He doesn't want to say more in front of Ben, so FLocke tells him to whisper the rest in his ear.

**Was this a little too much, even for FLocke?  Perhaps unnecessarily gory or graphic?  Referee Mills Lane says he'll allow it.  It's Zoe, after all.

Boom goes the dynamite!  Ben shoots Widmore several times, killing him easily.  "He doesn't get to save his daughter," Ben says coldly.  "Did you say there were some other people to kill?"  YES!!  OLD BEN IS BACK!!!  Old Ben is once again working with pure evil to get what he wants.  And he's doing so by killing people.  So long, sniveling Ben, we much prefer the evil and narcissistic version of you.

Finally, the part you've all been waiting for.  Want to know the deal with Jacob and his candidates?  Well, here's what went down.  Jacob appeared to Kate, Sawyer, Jack, and Hurley.  They can all see and hear him now.  His ashes are on fire and when they go out, he goes out.  Meaning, he's dead once and for all.  But until then, he wants to tell them everything they need to know about protecting the island.**

**What's this?  You think Kate isn't a candidate because her name was crossed off in that cave??  Not so fast.  To fix the plot holes caused by A.) their insistence on keeping Kate alive to answer the longstanding question of who she ends up with, and B.) not having anything to do with her character since she has not heretofore been a candidate, the writers simply had Jacob announce that "I crossed your name off because you became a mother -- it was just a line in a cave, and the job is yours if you want it."  Lame.  Who honestly thought for one second that Kate has even a shred of a chance at getting that job?  Of course she had no shot.  Why is she even on the show anymore?

Then Jacob really gets into the juicy stuff.  He says he made a "mistake" a long time ago -- namely, creating the Smoke Monster.  Jacob knew he was responsible for the havoc that Smokey would wreak, and he knew that eventually Smokey would kill him.  So Jacob brought the candidates to the island so he could find a replacement, despite Sawyer's obvious point that he was just fine in his old life.  "No," says Jacob.  "I didn't pluck any of you out of nowhere.  You were all flawed.  You were chosen because you're like me, all alone, looking for something you couldn't find, because you needed the island like it needs you."  Jacob then explains that their job is to protect the light at the center of the island by making sure it never goes out.  Jack asks if it's possible to kill Smokey.  Jacob says I don't know (I'm calling bullshit on that, btw).

Jack responds by volunteering to take Jacob's place.  Jacob explains where the heart of the island is: beyond the bamboo ridge from "where Jack woke up."  Jack says nothing is out there but Jacob assures him that there is.  Jacob takes Jack's cup, brews a tasty beverage, says a little prayer, and hands it back to Jack.  He swallows the whole thing and looks up with this unbelievable expression of realization.**  Jacob says the magic words: "Now you're like me."  It's official.  Jack is the new Jacob.

**I think this was one of Matthew Fox's few bright moments as an actor on this show.  Well done.

Lastly, we close with Ben and FLocke walking through the jungle.  FLocke says he likes to walk, rather than travel in Smokey form, because it reminds him of being human.  He also reveals that Widmore** said Desmond is a "fail-safe" (remember that phrase?) in case FLocke killed everyone on the island and Jacob/Jack needed one final way to prevent him from leaving.  So what does FLocke plan to do with Desmond?  He needs his destroy the island.

**It is possible that Widmore is not as bad as we all thought.  I'm still not certain that he wasn't coming to the island to exploit it somehow, but on the other hand it's clear that he wanted to stop MIB from destroying it altogether.  He believed in the island so much that he gave his life for it.  And I actually believed him when he said Jacob spoke to him.  I guess I'm saying that Widmore's intentions might have been benign.  One thing is clear, though.  There won't be any final showdown between FLocke and Widmore in the finale.  That showdown occurred last night, and FLocke emerged victorious.  Now we're on to Jack vs. FLocke.

Conclusion (borrowing a bit from our 24 recap format)

Episode grade: B+  This episode was more about lining things up for Sunday's finale than it was about blowing away the audience.  The downside was that character development was minimal due to the frenetic and scattered pace of the episode.  The upside was that we got some major answers about the candidates, about Jacob, about Jacob's replacement, about Widmore, about Ben, about Desmond in the Sideways World, and so on.  Plus, not too many additional questions were posed.  We have to be happy about that.

Best moment of the episode: This is a tie between Jacob's line to Jack ("Now you're like me") and Ben's line to FLocke after killing Widmore ("Did you say there were some other people to kill?").  So good.  We got what we want and what we expect -- Jack the Savior, and Ben the Evildoer.

Body count in this episode: 3 (Richard, Zoe, Widmore).  Also, all three were killed in spectacular fashion.  Smokey wiped out Richard, FLocke sliced Zoe's throat in cold blood, and Widmore was gunned down point-blank by Ben.  Pretty intense stuff.

My analysis looking forward: The battle lines have been drawn.  Jacob's burning ashes are about to go out and Jack is going to take the reins.  He will lead Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, and (hopefully) Desmond against FLocke, Ben, and Claire.  I'm not sure where Bernard, Rose, and Vincent are.  Ditto for the rest of Widmore's people.  But how much do they really matter?  All that counts now is whether Jack & the Good Guys can protect the island's undefined source of light from FLocke, Ben and Claire.  Sure, we desperately want to know what the Sideways World is, and how that entire storyline will be resolved, but isn't that secondary in our minds?  We know it probably affects the Island World, but don't we really just want to know the fate of the island and our beloved characters?  In my view, if we get any more answers than that, we will be very lucky.  What I'm learning is that we'll be okay even if we don't.


  1. good review, i just have a couple thoughts:

    1) i believe Richard is still alive. i do think that at the end of the finale he will die as a sacrifice to the island but i don't think Smokey killed him in this episode. i think Lapidus is still alive also but ultimately may end up dead

    2) you didn't mention how Desmond got out of the well. He wasn't there when FLocke and Ben checked at the end of the episode but how did he get out if Jack and Co. were busy chatting with Jacob? that might be where Rose and Bernard factor in.

    3) do you think that it is possible that Ben is conning FLocke? FLocke cant seem to get a read on Ben and I dont think Ben could so easily revert back to the dark side after his redemption moment with Ilana

    all in all i thought it was a solid episode setting up for the finale. the game is set. the pieces are moving

  2. OK SOOO many thoughts:

    Jay - I disagree with your analysis. I am DYING to see how the Sideways world connects. I think it is where they end up after the Island World (does Jack kill Flocke or does Locke destroy the Island?) They are all dying off in the Island World, and as Jacob said, they were all flawed before. Everyone seems to have some sort of redemption in the Sideways world (or are living better lives). Not necessarily a heaven, but they are generally better than their pre-Island arrival counterparts. I know there are a MILLION holes with it, but that's my story.

    Some other notes:

    If Kate was crossed off when she became a mother - why were the Kwons still on the list?

    After being angry with last week's episode, I am more okay with it now. I still think it probably could have been done in a half episode, but the backstory was helpful.

    I don't think Widmore was evil - I think his intentions were good, but he also was looking for personal gain

    Although I love my man, I would really do anything for sideways world Desmond and Island Richard. If that was the end of Richard...shame on you LOST.

    I LOVED the episode and am so ready for the end. Have no idea how they are going to wrap it up in 2.5 hours but can't wait to see!

  3. Also, in sideways world Everyone is meeting up at the concert. It's the benefit that Miles is going to for his father (Dr. Chang), the one Jack's son is playing at and the one Desmond and Kate are going to...right?

  4. So many comments I don't know where to start. I was very satisfied with this episode. If its purpose was to set the stage for the finale, then it performed its task exquisitely. I am pumped!

    Jay- great wrap-up! I enjoyed reading it and agree with many of your points. I am happy to see the evil Ben/good Jack juxtaposition again- although I think Matt makes a good point in saying that Ben might be conning FLocke. I was convinced he had "turned" to the good side after his redemption, but Ben has always been a master con artist so I guess we will see what unfolds in the finale...

    I liked the explanation about Kate. I think it makes perfect sense. As for why the Kwons were not crossed out- they were not married, so Sun's last name was not actually Kwon. She became a mother, but was her name really on the list at all?

    Go easy on Sawyer... he was just being his old rebellious self as he lead the losties into chaos that eventually killed Sun and Jin. Seems like he's back to his original character, instead of the stand-up, responsible Sawyer he was with Juliet in Dharmaland... personally, i'm cool with that. I like Sawyer the rebel better. Also, it seems like Jack and Sawyer are all squared up now- Jack had accidentally killed Juliet with his bomb plan, and now Sawyer has accidentally killed Sun and Jin with his bomb plan.

    I agree with your opinions of Widmore, Jay. Seems like his intentions were good after all. That said, i was VERY happy to see FTina Fey gone for good! I had enough of her.

    Looking forward to the finale and to see what happens with Desmonds storyline in BOTH worlds. Sarah, I too am looking forward to seeing how the Sideways and Island world meet up- what is going to happen? Yes, the island world is a little easier to be attracted to since the majority of the story has been on the island- its here where our characters are most familiar. However, I think I would have been disappointed had the H-bomb gone off last season and nothing really happened (as it seemed in the Island World). All that for nothing? No. Sideways word happened... that was the mysterious result of the H-bomb on the mysterious Island... Something crazy HAD to happen.
    So, we have Sideways world. It's not as captivating as the Island, but I'm glad it's there, and it is becoming more intriguing. The Sideways world adds another dimension to our story. In true LOST fashion there are a million pieces moving at once.

  5. BTW - the epsidoe was called "what they died for"
    but we really didn't get a clear answer.

    I mean I think we are supposed to infer that it was to stop FLocke/Smokey but still, not the best episode name

  6. Great point, Sarah. I actually meant to put that in the recap, but I forgot. Jacob started his speech to the 4 candidates with "I'm going to tell you what they [Sun and Jin] died for, why he chose them, and why he chose you."

    But Jacob never got around to answering the Jin & Sun question. Not sure why that question was left unanswered.

    And for the record, Sarah, I said in the recap that we "desperately" want to know what the Sideways World is, and how that entire storyline will be resolved. But I said -- and still believe -- that it's secondary to our collective interest in the Island storyline. Those are the characters we've been following, and I care more about their outcomes than anything else. My interest in the Sideways world is mostly limited to how it affects the Island world. Which could be a lot!

    Btw, Matt - great point about how Desmond managed to get out of the well. It's really unclear but I love the Bernard and Rose theory, because that answers the question of what they've been up to. We will soon find out (hopefully)...

  7. You don't know how hard it was not to read this when it was smack up in the middle of the blog. Now, after watching the episode and reading the review, I'm ready to comment.

    I'm going to join the dissenters in saying that in NO WAY is Ben evil. I still think Ben feels horribly for killing Jacob and I think that this is his way of trying to find out a way to turn around that situation (though killing Widmore in the meantime was foreshadowed by the Alex grave site...there was no way that Ben walks across there, sees Widmore 3 minutes later, and doesn't kill him).

    I did love evil Ben (and as you mentioned, Ben got beat up a LOT on this show--but maybe the most when he was "Henry Gale" and people would pummel him in the armory), but I think this is a different Ben. More like the Sideways Ben. The redemptive Ben. And the one who doesn't get conned by grandiose FLocke statements (remember, the last time FLocke said something like "we're going to blow up The Island" was the penultimate episode of last season when he told Ben that he was going to kill Jacob).

    If Richard is dead, I will be very, very angry. I believe that was a "shot across the bow" (literally) like Widmore gave to Ben. I think there is much more yet to come from him (at least I hope).

    I happen to really, really like this episode and now hate the biblical episode that came before even more. You couldn't have given us an hour and a half of this awesomeness and summed up the whole "Mother" deal in 30 minutes? Really?!?!?

    Here's my prediction: everyone goes to the concert (as Sarah says) and finds their constant. And for those who can't figure out why Sawyer doesn't "wake up" upon seeing Kate will find out that his real constant is probably Jack's baby's momma: Juliet (I didn't want it to be her--but it has to be). And big whoosh awakening between the two worlds.

    And, Alaine, you're just trying to tone down the Sawyer criticism because you find him sexy. Right now him and Kate can go back to the cages for all I care. Enough with them (though Sawyer's "god complex" comment was spot on and awesome).

    Nice work, Jay!

  8. Andrew, I'm glad you agree with me about Sawyer. I've had enough of him and Kate, although his "god complex" comment was perfect.

    However, I disagree with you guys about Ben, and I'd like to offer my explanation as to why. Sawyer and Ben both had their "moments" where they supposedly found redemption and changed into "good people." Or at least "better people." For Sawyer it was his Dharma life with Juliet, and her death in his arms. For Ben, it was remorse after killing Jacob. But we've seen that Sawyer hasn't really changed. He is still impulsive, and he doesn't respect others (i.e. Jack) by believing in them and trusting them. That's how he got Sayid, Jin, and Sun killed in the submarine. A mix of arrogance and feigned leadership. He is still a selfish person deep down.

    I think Ben is the same way. He had a moment after killing Jacob, but is he really going to turn things around? A tiger cannot change its least not a compulsively lying tiger. Just like Sawyer, I don't think Ben finds redemption. Other characters' problems (like Jack trying to fix everyone) are easier to redeem than Ben's problem (such as allowing his daughter to be murdered).

    P.S. I like your theory about everyone finding their constant at the concert. It makes sense and it allows for a safe crossover of sorts between worlds. That's what I mean about this past really was all about setting up the big finale!

  9. We can agree to disagree. The scary part is that by Sunday, we'll know who is right.

    And I don't think the whole Jack is the New Jacob issue is finalized yet. I'm still holding by my original belief that Jack will have to do something that Old Jack would have been very uncomfortable with--something spiritual or something like reviving Dead Locke. Imagine the way to defeat FLocke is to have Locke vs. FLocke. That would be awesome.

    The interesting part is that I have no clue how this show is going to end. Will any of the people on The Island survive? I'm pretty sure Miles is a goner and if Sawyer didn't have very little to live for before, you can see him doing something to sacrifice himself.

    I don't need all the answers on Sunday--I just want, as Sarah said so well the other day: Closure.
