Tuesday, May 18, 2010

24 Recap: There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal

Since Andrew is away this week on business I volunteered to handle the 24 recap. This is my first-ever TV recap for the revamped and improved NYaT.net - I will do my best to fill his considerable shoes.
When we last left Jack Bauer he had discovered, in a very Elin Woods-type moment, that President Logan was the voice behind the cover-up and beloved Renee's death. Logan now enters Jack's crosshairs, a grim place to be these hours.

Back at the UN President Taylor has her Press Secretary announcing Ethan Kanin's resignation for health purposes (completely believable, since he kind of had a sizable heart attack only a few hours prior) and revealing former President Charles Logan as the man behind on the curtain on the Russian's return to the peace talks. Logan looks entirely thrilled with himself as he watches and listens to the Press Conference on TV*. Unfortunately his happiness would have to be short-lived as trusted private sector advisor Jason Pillar rings him up with some bad news - the Russian team is dead (very dead in the case of Renee's shooter) and Jack has slipped out of their security cordon. Pillar once again recommends Logan distance himself from the Peace Accord - but it is too late, his ego got the best of him, and now his best chance is to try and lay it all at poor Allison's feet.

*Side Note: Was anyone as as surprised as I was when Logan was willing to put the Presser on MUTE mid-praise to have another conversation? With his ego I was expecting him to turn the volume up, not down.

Logan slimes his way into a meeting with President Taylor to inform her that Jack is out there, evidence in hand, and might have already handed it over to the press. After a lengthy washing of his hands of any and all blame Logan informs Allison that she would have to muzzle the press and subvert the Bill of Rights in the name of National Security. Somehow this makes sense to President Taylor, who previously counted the letter of the law above all else. Hey Allison, if the Bill of Rights is just a piece of paper you can ignore at your convenience, what makes your Peace Treaty document any different? That's what I thought...

Logan slimes out to go meet President/PM/Czar Subarov at the 93rd street helipad (24 Writers: Wouldn't the pad on 34th street at the East River be closer to both JFK airport and the UN?). We now cut over to Meredith Reed and Jack. Meredith seems unwilling to trust Jack since he has a kind of crazed look in his eyes and is freely cutting peoples guts out. He reminders her that since he isn't (yet) trying to kill her, she should obviously trust him. This logic somehow seems cool enough for her, as she agrees to take the evidence and sets up a meeting with Deepthroat, errr, her old-school editor. Jack reveals he is gunning for Logan - his trusty weapons man isn't so cool on the idea - there is no going back from this. It's ok, weapons guy, Jack has no intention of coming back from this one, as he legitimately feels he has nothing to go back to (Kim and granddaughter don't seem to factor here).

After Jack'in a Ford Explorer on a banana delivery run (seriously, does everyone in New York just leave their keys in the car when they walk away?!?! what a trusting city!) he is off to intercept Logan, who conveniently is travelling on a route that takes him through a single-lane tunnel. First off, where is this mysterious tunnel? And second, why would the Secret Service ever move an ex-president in a single vehicle through a tunnel without safe egress? When very former President Jimmy Carter visited my alma-matter a few years back he came rolling in with a motorcade and a Secret Service/Police detail numbering over 15. And yet, on a day of disaster and terror, Charles Logan gets to travel light? Come on.

But maybe I shouldn't really be complaining - as this sets up easily the most entertaining scene in the episode. Jack, typically too good for body armor, decides to strap on a near full body suit. He even sports a cool goalie mask style ballistic helmet. After immobilizing traffic Jack makes his move on poor Logan, who quickly realizes who it is in the suit and how utterly screwed he is. Jack isn't shooting to kill, merely wounding Logan's protective detail, and drags poor ole Charles off into a service tunnel.

Back at CTU they learn that Logan has been captured by Jack - all CTU tactical agents are directed to meet Pillar on the scene to search for Logan. Jack has very little time to get the information he needs out of Logan. As always, he goes with brute force, and Logan, the squeamish loser he is, quickly hands over a Novakovitch to back Jack off. Pillar's team arrives on site, recovers President Logan, and Jack heads to take out the Russians.

In the parallel plot Meredith Reed is waiting for her cafe rendezvous when she gets word from old-school editor that the FBI is on-site and she needs to lay low! Meredith escapes, but is apprehended along with the data-card shortly thereafter - but not before a quick phone call to the UN and a conversation with Kayla! Will she be able to convince her mother to hold off on the treaty due to some "evidence" from her fathers American-whore? Stay tuned!

Jack continues his rampage, taking out a slew of Russian's, including Novakovitch. In a 24 rarity, perhaps even a first, we aren't treated to Jack's handiwork here, but rather see the scene after he has already come through like the Smoke Monster from Lost and finished nearly everyone off. Unfortunately Jack has suffered yet another knife wound, this one seemingly more serious. He is starting to take on a Russell Crowe as Maximus in Gladiator type persona - that would isn't taking him down until his Comodus is dead.

We end with Logan sharing a conversation with Czar Subarov, in which the Czar reveals he is behind everything today (it is a good thing the NSA can't listen in on the phone calls of government leaders, foreign or domestic - oh wait, they can? oops). We see a little spec on Logan's shirt collar - a mini-bug! Wounded-Jack is listening! With only two hours to go in the 8th day of the 24 saga, Subarov is now batter-up in the Jack Revenge Tour. Any chance he comes out unscathed?


Season grade so far: A- The last few weeks have truly been something of a renaissance for 24. The show is going out with a bang and then some. Is anybody safe from the wrath of Jack? With two nail-biting hours left it is anyones guess

Best line of the week: The title line of this post: “There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal” - Novakovitch. Never have more true words been spoken. An angry Jack is a dangerously unstoppable force. He is pulverizing anything in his way, and we are along for the ride until the bitter bloody end.

Best moment of the week: Jack going all Robo-cop on the tunnel to get to Logan. 3 skilled Secret Service agents and an armored/bullet-resistant car against Jack Bauer doing his best robo-cop/Iron Man impersonation. 3 on 1. Money should be on the agents. Anyone willing to take that bet? Didn't think so.

My body count: 103. 2 Russian guards in the parking garage and four more dead in the suite. We have a fifth left in critical condition with a wound to his abdomen so we will leave him off until it is confirmed next week. Two hours to go and we have already crossed the century mark!

Another stellar 24 episode. As we have mentioned at NYaT, the show is clearly its best when Jack is gunning for revenge. Next week we get the final two hours in a hopefully action-packed finale. Any predictions on what we should expect before this whole thing wraps up? Will Jack die on us before this day is out (maybe a silent clock to end it all)? Comment!

Picture from FOX.com



    Logan's convo with President Taylor showed he was evil in saggy neck form...and was obviously going to be paying for it.

    The Robo-cop (H/T Andrew) style attack in the tunnel had the room cheering! Jack just WENT FOR IT.

    Ari - totally said the same thing - the 93rd street helipad is redic. COME ON WRITERS.

    I can't believe Logan fell for the Jack-captured-him-to-bug-him ploy twice. Evil idiot.

    BUSTING for the final episode. Jack is out for blood. Some great preview clips -

  2. Well done Ari! Just needs a picture or two and it'd be perfect.

    Andrew's Robocop analogy is compelling, but Robocop acted, well, too robotic. Jack was much more badass, like only a human can be. I see a mix of Iron Man and Batman with the body armor, and a little James Bond for the stylized flourish.

    Anyway, that was the best scene in a great episode. Logan freaked out so much in the car that he shat his pants on network TV. Not that I'm mocking him for it, as I'd be shitting my pants too if Jack Bauer wanted to get revenge by torturing and killing me. It's quite possibly the worst fate anyone can get.

    Second best scene was the Logan & Taylor conversation. He verbally slapped her in the face and reminded her how much she fucked up by trusting him. He might as well have said "you're a moron for listening to me." He has destroyed her legacy and her presidency, and in many ways has stolen her power away from her. She has been completely undermined and he has more control now. When he finished and left, and she was just leaning against that table, looking stunned and defeated, it was like Logan had politically ass-raped her. Ouch.

    Anyway, does any else feel like Logan got off a little light? I mean, he gave up the info Jack needed, but all he got was one punch to the gut. Shit's weak, Jack. Punish the bastard, for real next time.

    Also, what's with Logan's tongue? We all know something's going on with that thing. It's distracting, annoying, and a little weird. Maybe it's his "tell" for when he's lying (i.e., all the time) like Teddy KGB would eat Oreos when bluffing. That would explain the constant tongue twisting and maneuvering. Gross.

  3. Jay - I think even as crazed as Bauer is - he knows you can't just kill an ex-President like that - even if it's Logan.

    Also forgot to mention how much I LOVED Logan crying like a baby when he saw Jack coming for him in his Robobondironbatman getup (since we all can't seem to agree)

  4. Agreed. Killing him would be hasty and unwise. Making him suffer and sweat a little bit would be okay though. There has to be something in between a stomach punch and death.

    Logan crying in the car was very awesome though. Of all the villains that Jack has tracked down, can you remember a more cowardly response? Me neither.

  5. The only thing missing from this post was a picture of Jack-as-Robo-Cop (and if you go back and look, the way he deflected the gunfire was VERY Robo-cop)--so I went ahead and added that in there (thank you FOX for publishing episode photos).

    Unfortunately, they had none of the Boondock Saints-esque slaughter in the Russian embassy (is it an embassy? where the heck is it?). That was awesome, though less awesome than Jack and Logan. 24 is teetering on a line here: Jack has been a sympathetic character up to this point, but with all these killings (even the injuring of innocent Secret Service guards), he starts to move into a tough area.

    Ari, I like that you brought up the Taylor-Logan scene this episode because it was easily their most compelling. I still have no clue how she hasn't snapped out of her Logan spell but that part of the episode was her best performance where at least she weighed what she's done in a meaningful way--and then of course dismissed all those worries.

    The fear of everyone when Jack Bauer was coming was amazing. Can't wait for the finale!

  6. Wow, another great episode and its great that the show is going to finish on a high note. Good job Ari on the review.

    A couple of points, I was wondering why Jack didn't kill Logan at first but you realize at the end that Jack is just ahead of all of us. If he kills Logan, he never finds out that Pres. Zuborov is actually behind the whole thing. Also, Logan is just a puppet, he isn't the mastermind behind the whole thing so no need to kill him. The only risk is that he walks somehow after all this which seems unlikely.

    I agree with Andrew, Jack has totally lost it and the way he is killing people is getting a little disturbing now. I think its cool this blog kept track of the dead bodies and it makes me realize - there has been A LOT of killing this season. I think a bit too much.

    I originally thought Jack should die to end this show but now i'm not so sure. If he gets killed, it would be by a Russian or someone from the government. Although he's lost his rocker, everyone can appreciate his cause of taking down high level shady people at any cost. So it would only be fitting he's the last one standing.

    We shall see, should be fun ending!

  7. The reason he didn't kill Logan in the tunnel is because he knew Logan was withholding the person really responsible (Suvarov) and he didn't have time then and there to beat it out of him. So he bugged him, and let him walk away like in season 5, full well knowing that Logan would screw himself.
