Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: MVP Edition

When Albert Pujols takes home the Most Valuable Player trophy today, he'll be the 10th player to collect his 3rd MVP award.

Can you name the 9 who already have 3 MVPs?

Put your answer in the comments below and I'll reveal the correct answers later tonight.


  1. 1. Alex Rodriguez
    2. Barry Bonds
    3. Mickey Mantle
    4. Yogi Berra
    5. Joe DiMaggio

  2. Nice work. Jay got the 5 easy ones out of the way. Can anyone get the last 4?

    *hint* only one of the final 4 played in the American League at any point in his career

  3. Stan Musial
    Hank Aaron
    Willie McCovey
    Mike Schmidt

  4. Stan Musial and Mike Schmidt, yes, but the other two are incorrect.

    Hank Aaron, amazingly, only won one MVP and McCovey only won one as well.

    We're down to two players! One (predominately) AL, one NL

  5. answers:

    7 Barry Bonds
    3 Yogi Berra
    3 Roy Campanella
    3 Joe DiMaggio
    3 Jimmie Foxx
    3 Mickey Mantle
    3 Stan Musial
    3 Albert Pujols
    3 Alex Rodriguez
    3 Mike Schmidt
