Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beer Pong...and Other Morning Links

Wasn't able to get these links up last night because of the Knicks game, but here they go...
-Rick Reilly (who I go back and forth on liking and disliking) has a column up for ESPN on the World Series of Beer Pong. If beer pong is a sport (we can debate that at another time), it definitely ranks up there as one of my best. That may say more for my lack of motor skills or hand-eye coordination than my beer pong prowess, but once I start sinking cups, this is one game I can dominate.
-Others are angry as I am that Antonio Pierce hasn't really been a man about this loss. After the Giants won the Super Bowl, he would talk about it with everyone and their mother. Now that they lost, the only media he speaks to is a paid radio show? Come on...
-I must have missed this one happening, but somehow Yahoo! Sports is much more popular than, as I read in The Big Lead. I, for one, am shocked by this, and think that many of these numbers may be skewed by Yahoo!'s fantasy prowess attracting people. I have been and always will be an ESPN fan. I went towards CBS Sportsline for a while back in my youth, but now I am back. Not that I don't have other sources for sports info (see the right column of my blog and all those sources).
-We have two articles on money and Major League Baseball...Baseball Musings on spending and winning and Thomas Boswell with the Washington Post has an article about free agent economics.
-Despite how many e-mails I get from the Obama team to help pay for the inauguration, Still-President Bush (so close) declared a state of emergency to recover the soaring costs.
-In the US we need to worry about Iran, North Korea, Venenuela...and now Mexico. Well it's a good thing we have nice secure borders and no one ever gets past them.
-How are the New York Mets and Domino's Pizza different? In the end Domino's delivers. How are the Mets and Domino's similar? Their logos.
-Madison, Wisconsin has found their own way to adapt to climate change: get rid of McDonalds.
-Bailout Vancouver 2010.
-And some good news for me and my job...

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