Friday, August 6, 2010

LOST with Lost: One Last LOST Post--The Epilogue

After LOST was done, I felt like I needed a breather until I thought about it again. It was such a rich and deep show and I felt overwhelmed when it was finished. I was also disappointed that there would be no LOST. 6 seasons never felt like enough even though I was happy in the way they concluded the story. I was pretty sure they concluded the story.

Well...that wasn't entirely true. The "Official LOST Epilogue" was leaked on the internet and after watching it on Jezebel, I can agree with them you should be seated when watching it and, yes, "OMFG". If you wanted to know more about the package drops, fertility issues, polar bears, or even (semi-spoiler alert after the jump)
WALT(!!!!!) then you should definitely check this out. I can't say it really ties up any loose ends that the finale left us with, but it certainly helped answer some more questions--which was a big issue many had with the finale anyways. Watch it, let it sink in, and then comment on it below. We'll leave this as an open LOST thread.

Also to check out: Profiles in History's "Lost The Auction" which will be auctioning off everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from the show. Definitely check out some of those items including, as Jay pointed out, Hurley's boarding pass which are just unbelievably awesome items for big LOST fans.

And with that, I bid LOST adieu (for now at least...who knows when they'll decide to release more). Feel free to comment below on the show and thanks again for stopping here and reading/analyzing/talking LOST with us. We greatly appreciate it. As Ben says in the video, namaste!

1 comment:

  1. Update: I realize everyone has been made to take down this video...but you can still find the full version here:

