Tuesday, April 27, 2010

24 Recap: Jack'ing your Helicopter and The End of Loyalty

One of the things that 24 has shown over the years is that loyalty only goes so far…and then the urge to take a knife to the ones who you owe the most to and stab them in the back comes into play. This is especially true in here in our 8th and final season of 24. The people who owe the most to Jack (the President and Chloe) have turned against him. Ethan, who served his President so loyally—and even made a miraculous recovery from a heart attack—was a victim this week of a power struggle. Even someone like Denny, is owed more than to just be handed over to a “private security firm” for “interrogation”—well, maybe that’s stretching it a bit too far. But you see what I mean—this is a show is constantly telling us that no matter what you do for people, loyalty is only as strong as the next conflict’s issues, and most of the time, you’re bound to get screwed in the end.
Oh, So You Want Your Helicopter Back, Do You?

We sometimes forget how many amazing skills Jack has in his bag of tricks. He can speak Russian and German, can copilot a plane landing onto a highway, and last night we remembered he can also fly a helicopter. We saw him do it way back in Season 3 when he was freeing Ramon Salazar from custody (which is the season, oddly enough, when he had his only other real “sidekick” besides Freckles—Chase). And although we’ve seen him do it other times in between, last night was the first time we’ve seen him try to outmaneuver anyone and escape on that chopper since the Season 3 escape to Mexico. This time, Jack is amazingly able to duck under a pair of highly trained Air Force helicopters and land the helicopter on a building. Glad he’s not rusty after all those years. Maybe in his free time he’s been giving helicopter sightseeing tours around Manhattan.

Jack makes his way to ground level and tries to blend in. How can Jack blend in, though? Somehow he does since no one knows Jack. It’s not like he’s done anything for this country yet nobody recognizes him. Miley Cyrus’ cousin walked down the street and I guarantee you someone would know who they are; Jack does and he’s just another Joe Sixpack. Well one person who does know what Jack looks like is FP jr and Chloe* sends him into the field to get Jack. She also makes sure Arlo The Horndog and everyone else is tracking Jack. Arlo looks upset that he doesn’t get to use the satellite to spy on naked girls. So pissed.

Jack decides to buy a LOT of disposable cell phones. Oh, that’s nice, he’s going to call Kim to tell him that he’s all right. No? Oh, ok. Instead he calls Chloe and sort of threatens her to help him. But when she recognizes it as a threat, he says he’s just asking for help. Misunderstanding. Chloe starts to buckle. It looks like she believes Jack and is going to get involved to help him. Or maybe not.

The stupidity of this whole thing is the ONLY reason Jack stayed in New York is that Chloe begged him to stay and help out and then begged him again to stay on. Jack has always helped out Chloe whenever she’s needed it, putting his ass on the line multiple times for her. Now, she gets power and it goes straight to her head. She now needs to suddenly do the right thing and turn Jack in? I don’t get it. If she was an analyst right now instead of head of CTU, she would have gladly helped him find a way to Denny but now that she’s got power, she’s got no time for Bauer. Weak sauce, Chloe. Weak sauce!

Anyways, Jack calls some dude and tells him about the weapons he needs. And he needs it now. It’s a favor. Chloe is about to call Jack when she decides to call FP jr instead and announces a sting operation. Glad she can plan those on such short notice. Uh oh. Jack gets his weapons and calls Chloe. She sends him to the “safe house”…that’s a trap.

Jack is moving in on the faux safe house (fSafe House). He’s got some serious weaponry but chooses to just go with one he can strap around his shoulder. Jack knocks out a guard and strings him along the laundry chute. Where is Jack, everyone asks? There he is, with a hostage! And then he takes everyone hostage, takes their weapons and totally blows up the mission. Jack knew it was a trap. He makes FP jr call Chloe to tell her the mission went successfully and then locks down his men. Jack knew Chloe would send FP jr and then tries to persuade FP jr to join him on his expedition. “I know you well enough,” Jack says to FP jr*. Amazing what a couple of hours with a guy will do. Jack explains the situation to FP jr. “I can’t do this on my own,” says Jack as he slides the gun across the table, “it’s your decision.” No it isn’t: Jack just gave you an ultimatum.

*Side Note: Let’s just say that saying “I know you well enough” is a hollow statement coming from Jack. Here’s some other people he knew “well enough”: Nina Myers, Tony Almeida, and Jack’s own brother and father. The theme: they were all bad guys. Not exactly a ringing endorsement for you being a good judge of character, Jack. This guy you’re claiming to know was the fiancĂ© to a mass murdering terrorist—is it at least possible that he knows more than he’s let on? Don’t you want to find that out before you make him your righthand man?

“It’s Already Ugly”

Slippery slope time! Back at the United Nations, Ethan has a way to save the administration from impeachment, indictment, ridicule, anger around the world, a country’s betrayal from its government, etc. But Taylor doesn’t like it. Why? It will kill this stupid peace deal (UGHHH...we said last week how idiotic this peace deal has become). Taylor is upset about this decision and how close they are to “lasting peace” (UGHHH). Taylor wants Ethan to prepare a statement that they will withdraw from peace accords. “You’re doing the right thing,” Ethan says to Taylor. Yeah…it’s about time. But anyone in their right mind knew this wasn’t going to end pretty.

Taylor then decides to go and deliver the news to Logan who takes it—on the surface—surprisingly well. “I’m nothing if not pragmatic…but I am disappointed,” says Logan. He does, however, have one thing she might consider before she calls Dalia Hassan. Here we go…Logan has a private security firm standing by in case Taylor grants Denny as an enemy combatant (since, of course, immunity is public record and who would want anyone with an agenda finding out about this Presidential impropriety). Why would she do this? Well, maybe a little physical coercion can be used to extract the information. Taylor is surprised that Logan is talking about torture (really?!? She’s surprised by anything this man wants to do? Clearly she’s not a good judge of character herself). Logan says he doesn’t make the suggestion lightly. Presidents have to make impossible choices. If she’s not willing to do that, she should pull out of the peace accords right now. He just called her chicken AND double dog dared her…and there’s no way she’s backing down.

Taylor decides to take Logan’s suggestion and calls Chloe to tell her. Chloe isn’t happy*. Neither, really is Taylor who is comforted by Logan saying that it’s better to stop this before it gets ugly or something stupid like that. “It’s already ugly, Charles,” Taylor retorts. It’s about to get uglier as the private security firm’s head dude, Bledsoe, is on site. He calls Logan’s Executive Assistant and asks if he wants Denny to be killed after the interrogation since she knows too much. Methinks Logan is a lot more into this than we’ve been told. Like he’s behind all of it. Again. And like Sherry Palmer Season 3 will use the fact that Taylor called him in to help her against her if she decides to turn against him in the end. Last week was Earth Week and I learned the greatness of recycling. This is plot recycling, so I hope it’s good for the environment (because that’s about all it’s good for).

*Side Note: And this should have made Chloe totally rethink her strategy concerning Jack. If Taylor was so willing to turn over Denny to a "private security firm" why wouldn't she do the same to Jack who would be problematic at best if not dealt with. Jack represented a pretty dicey situation for the President so she would have done anything to shut him up. Chloe should have realized this.

Chloe wants some proof Bledsoe has a Presidential Order so he gives Chloe his cell phone…and Chloe proceeds to steal all his data (I wanted to make a Drew Bledsoe and interception joke here...). Back at the UN, Taylor tells Ethan what she’s done. “How far are you willing to go to protect this lie?” Ethan asks Taylor. Well, pretty damn far*. Ethan figures out that this was Logan’s idea. Ethan tells Taylor that has lost her way and she dismisses his suggestion. She’s becoming combative. “So, let’s move on,” Taylor implores Ethan. Ethan threatens to resign to which Taylor claims he’s abandoning her. Ethan is not abandoning Taylor, he’s listening to his conscious. Says that she has Logan…and there’s only room for one of them. You’ve been served, Allison Taylor.

*Side Note: Hypocrite alert: Taylor was so up in arms over what Rob Weiss did a few episodes ago but why is that ANY different from what she’s doing right now? At least his plan was to protect United States citizens—what the heck is her plan serving to protect? An untenable peace with a terrorist Russia? Wonderful morals there, Madam President.

We now head over to the other female leader in our midst. Dalia Hassan is shaking as she thinks about signing the peace accord. Hassan’s daughter stops by for a visit. They apologize to each other and embrace. Then they talk about how people are so threatened by the peace and would become so violent to stop it. Reminiscing of the past day and a half or foreshadowing of future violence? I say the latter.

Ethan goes in to talk to Logan. Logan congratulates him on his resignation and his move to put his health first. Logan is too overjoyed. Ethan lays it out to Logan: “Let me council you!” Logan points out that every treaty ever written had blood on it. Good point. And how many of those actually stuck? Taylor isn’t like Logan was according to Ethan, and he threatens Logan if he harms her. If there was ever a male catfight, this would have been it*.

*Side Note: We've beaten around this bush, but at this point, Taylor is just as bad as Logan. Maybe she didn't mastermind what happened, but her cover-up and subsequent cover-up of her cover-up is really, really bad. I understand she lost a lot in her presidency (her husband, daughter, son), but I don't think she's any better than the man (Logan) who she views as a monster. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they shacked up after this thing was all over.

Final countdown! Denny enters the torture room. She knows the deal (it’s about time someone decided to torture her like she's been torturing us). Dalia says to Taylor that her husband would have been grateful for the support (AWKWARD). Taylor talks about Hassan’s death. “Peace must and will prevail, no matter the cost.” Ethan walks out as we flash to Denny going onto the torture table. Taylor introduces Dalia Hassan. End of the hour. One month left of 24!


We're four weeks from the finale. Where are we exactly on the show? Jack and FP jr are after Denny. Chloe is full of "awkward Chloe faces" and is doing a really crappy job being in charge. Though she's not as bad at being in charge as Taylor and Logan who are trying to protect themselves. Denny is on the torture table. And Aaron Pierce is nowhere to be seen. We have four weeks to get him back in the action and bringing down Logan seems to be a skill set he certainly owns. Let's hope 24 gets him back in and that the last 5 episodes of 24 leave us with a good ending for a show that has excelled at good season endings (before last year). Time is running out...tick tick tick tick tick...

Season grade so far: A-/B+ Last night's episode hopefully set up an A- season-ending grade for 24. That would be, in my opinion, a really strong grade to end the show. Then again, I'm holding out judgment until the very end since Season 7 ended so disappointingly weakly. I feel like we need a slow power clap to get Jack to this finale.

Best line of the week: “It’s already ugly, Charles,” President Taylor to Charles Logan. Very ugly, Madam President. And now, let's be honest, you're no better than Logan.

Best moment of the week: Jack foiling the fSafe House plot. It was classic Jack. The body hanging from the laundry was awesome. Jack's knowledge of Chloe's plan was great (and was the reason he didn't shoot these guys). In an episode without much real action, this was exciting.

Ari's body count: 85. None this week. Again. So disappointing. Next week there needs to be at least 10 to make up for this. I want double digits, DAMMIT!

Thoughts? Ready for the last month of the season? Happy with how this season has gone down? Have some more complaints about Taylor? Chloe? Let us know in the comments below!

Pictures all from FOX.com


  1. I am with you Andrew, this whole "peace" plot is just laughable. As is Logan's pull with the Russian government. He left the Russian PM and his wife to die!!! They only survived thanks to a fairly solid armored limo and Aaron F'in Pierce. And yet, the Russians now embrace him? I'm calling bullshit on this whole peace plotline. I almost yearn for the days of Denny and the ex knockin off evidence lockers. Oh no, wait, I don't

  2. Logan is truly a horrible person. And Ethan is definitely a wild card. He said he will keep his mouth shut if he resigns and I doubt that Taylor would do anything to make sure he does (although she prosecuted her own daughter and lost her husband in the process).

    I'm very much expecting (and looking forward to) Jack crashing the interrogation party and kicking Bledsoe's ass (not that Dana doesn't deserve to fry but at the same time Taylor has truly become a corrupt leader and needs to be brought to the forefront).

    My guess? If it's really the last season (and assuming the writers knew this), I really expect that Jack will be kicking some serious ass and won't be holding back any punches this time.

  3. As I said, Logan definitely up to no good! Andrew makes a good point, he probably has a role in this whole thing which would be crazy!

    Next week looks good, ending should be great. Looking forward to it!

  4. Here's something else I forgot to mention: we talk about Jack or Ethan's remarkable recoveries, but what about Logan? The dude was left for dead when Martha Logan went OJ on him and now he's just as spry as always? No ill effects for him either? Does The Island heal all these people?

  5. After watching the episode, it seems like there are so many opportunities for the conflicts to be over but the characters make decisions to prolong the show to just fill the required 24 hours.

  6. Was I seeing things last night? I could have sworn that during the opening credits, the name DB Woodside flashed across the screen. I was expecting a Wayne Palmer return, but he was nowhere to be found.

  7. If President Taylor says "we are SOOOOO close!" about the friggin peace deal one more time, I swear I'm gonna....bitch about it on the blog next week.

    How's this for a plot hole. Jack decides to avoid two Air Force fighter choppers by swooping beneath them towards a rooftop like a kamikaze pilot. If that happened in real-life NYC, real-life NYC residents would freak out like it's 9/11 all over again.

    Remember what happened when Air Force One did a flyby for a photo shoot near Ellis Island? Huge controversy. And that was **Air Force One** flying somewhat nearby the island of Manhattan. This was an actual helicopter chase over the UES. Huge uproar.

    And yet people kept on going about their business like nothing happened overhead, while Jack The Pilot walks undetected on the street! Ridiculous!

  8. Great recap.

    I hate President Logan a lot and don't agree with any of her decisions to date. (Especially the pants suit) but does anyone else notice she cannot make a SINGLE decision on her own. She always has her idea then she listens to the Chief of Staff or former President Logan. (Who by the way has some of the worst crazy eyes I've ever seen. I wouldn't take car advice from him let alone political advice)

  9. We're New Yorkers--we hardly flinch when something like that happens! haha

    I did notice Logan's eyes. Scary (though I think you meant "President Taylor" in your first reference)

    And I didn't see the DB Woodside credit but if that's the case, it means he should be here by this episode. Hopefully him and Aaron Pierce come back to help Jack expose this ridiculous "peace" process. (Though it doesn't mean much, there's nothing on Woodside or Glenn Morshower's IMDB page about being in "24" this season.)

  10. I also wonder if there's a person at CTU whose sole job is just to recover vehicles that Jack Bauer has stolen. Car here, helicopter there. It's a full-time job to keep up with all this...
